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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Special Issue Call for Papers: European Journal of Engineering Education

    …ing and health, clean water, food security, biodiversity, climate emergency, energy, urban development, and other vital challenges. It is also important to acknowledge that engineers have played contested roles in history and still do (Lucena & Schneider, 2008; Mathebula, 2018). Further, the emphasis in transition movements on social learning, dialogue and co-creation, and the recognition that transitions in the context of wicked sustainability pr…

  2. Call for Editors – Journal of Global Ethics

    …ion will be given to aspects of diversity that may supplement the perspectives of the current editorial collective. More information:…

  3. Conference Ethics of Economic Institutions

    …and business ethics. He is the author of numerous books, including Morality, Competition and the Firm, published by Oxford University Press in fall 2014, as well as the bestselling Filthy Lucre: Economics for People who Hate Capitalism. Miriam Ronzoni is a Senior Lecturer in Political Theory at Manchester and a member of MANCEPT. She has worked on the justification of constructivism as well as on issues of global justice and the relationship betwe…

  4. Call for Book Chapters – “Youth, Gender and Capabilities”

    …open until the 15th of October. Please click here to download further information. Contact: Aurora Lopez-Fogues, Researcher at the Institute of Innovation, INGENIO (CSIC-UPV), Spain, Firdevs Melis Cin, Assistant Professor, Istanbul Commerce University, Turkey,

  5. Conference Proposals Due March 1: Marginalized Peoples, Human Rights, and Development Ethics

    …ealth and Management (Moldova) Dr. Stacy J. Kosko, University of Maryland (USA), Conference Chair Dr. Amandine Sabourin, State University of Moldova (Moldova) Dr. Valentina Teosa, State University of Moldova (Moldova), Conference Chair How to Submit Your Proposal: Submissions in English, Romanian, or Russian should include the name, email, and affiliation of the presenter(s), an abstract of no more than 300 words, and a statement of whether you wi…

  6. Call for Papers: Child Poverty and Social Work

    …particularly the experiences of shame, social exclusion, and stigmatization, which compound poverty’s effects. By addressing the social, economic, and mental dimensions of poverty, this Special Issue aims to uncover the nuanced role that social work can play in promoting resilience, empowerment, and inclusion. The Special Issue welcomes both theoretical explorations and empirical studies, highlighting innovative practises, policies, and interventi…

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