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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Extensión de Fecha Límite: VII CONFERENCIA ALCADECA

    …una visión de desarrollo que pone en el centro a la persona y su bienestar, así como el uso de indicadores multidimensionales para evaluar las realidades sociales de la región, y para diseñar y monitorear políticas públicas. Sin embargo, a pesar de estos avances en materia política, los resultados de la mayoría de los países en términos de desarrollo humano siguen siendo poco alentadores. Tanto la pobreza como la desigualdad han mostrado ser resi…

  2. Access to Justice for Indigenous Peoples: Realisation of an Inclusive and Integrated Human Rights Approach

    … Abstracts and full papers are to be Times New Roman 12’, at least 1.5 spacing. Please indicate your preferred panel. Paper presenters are required to send in a full paper prior to the conference. Selected papers will be considered for publication in the Journal of Malaysian and Comparative Law (a peer reviewed journal) or as a chapter in a book published by UM Press. DEADLINES Abstract submission: 18 February 2015 Acceptanc…

  3. IDEA Conference: Marginalized Peoples, Human Rights, and Development Ethics

    …ealth and Management (Moldova) Dr. Stacy J. Kosko, University of Maryland (USA), Conference Chair Dr. Amandine Sabourin, State University of Moldova (Moldova) Dr. Valentina Teosa, State University of Moldova (Moldova), Conference Chair Ms. Natalia Visanu, Ombudsman’s Office of the Republic of Moldova How to Submit Your Proposal: Presentation can be made in English, Romanian, or Russian. However, submissions should all be in English, and include th…

  4. Conference Proposals Due March 1: Marginalized Peoples, Human Rights, and Development Ethics

    …ealth and Management (Moldova) Dr. Stacy J. Kosko, University of Maryland (USA), Conference Chair Dr. Amandine Sabourin, State University of Moldova (Moldova) Dr. Valentina Teosa, State University of Moldova (Moldova), Conference Chair How to Submit Your Proposal: Submissions in English, Romanian, or Russian should include the name, email, and affiliation of the presenter(s), an abstract of no more than 300 words, and a statement of whether you wi…

  5. Book on “The Capability Approach and Sustainability”

    …chmayer and Ortrud Leßmann has been adapted and the article on “Human Development and Sustainability” written by Eric Neumayer has been added to complete coverage of recent works on the topic. For more information, see: Please get in touch with the editors or for discount or if you would like to review the book….

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