…essor Emeritus at the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland, USA. Chloe Schwenke, president and founder of the Center for Values in International Development. Eddy M. Souffrant, faculty member of the Department of Philosophy at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Frances Stewart, emeritus professor of Development Economics. Director of the Oxford Department of International Development (1993-2003) and the Centre for Rese…
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Maguire, Cindy (1,6); Holt, Ann (2,6); Simpson, Janine (3,6); Gollopeni, Refki (4,6); Godfrey, Fr. Joel (5,6); McCallum, Rob (6) (2019). 'ArtsAction Group: a collective fostering of capabilities through socially engaged art' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA 2019, London, UK.
Politics of Wonder: Difference and Dignity in Nature and Society (University of Exeter, UK)
…speakers Prof. Jeremy Bendik-Keymer (Case Western Reserve University, Ohio, USA) Prof. Amy Linch (Pennsylvania State University, USA) Dr. Urszula Lisowska (University of Wrocław, Poland) Prof. Christopher Gill (University of Exeter, UK) Dr. Jack Griffiths (University of Exeter, UK) Schedule Thursday 12th September: 14:00-18:30. Followed by drinks and dinner. There will also be a concluding session on Friday morning (10:00-12:00) for the speakers…
Overview of Past HDCA Conferences and Global Dialogue
…e 2016 – Japan, Tokyo: Capability and Diversity in a Global Society 2015 – USA, Washington, D.C.: Capabilities on the Move: Mobility and Aspirations 2014 – Greece, Athens: Human Development in Times of Crisis; Renegotiating Social Justice 2013 – Nicaragua, Managua: Human Development: Vulnerability, Inclusion and Well-being 2012 – Indonesia, Jakarta: Revisiting Development: Do We Assess It Correctly? 2011 – the Netherlands, The Hague: Innovation, D…
Veneti, Anastasia; Poulakidakos, Stamatis; Karadimitriou, Achilleas (2014). 'Operationalising Sen's ideas on the visual representation of social movements by the media' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA, 2-5 September 2014, Athens, Greece.
The Economy of Francesco: Young People, A Commitment, The Future
…NOVEMBER, 19: https://www.francescoeconomy.org/live-streaming/nov-19/ NOVEMBER, 20: https://www.francescoeconomy.org/live-streaming/nov-20/ NOVEMBER, 21: https://www.francescoeconomy.org/live-streaming/nov-21/ If you’re a VILLAGER, log in now to the VILLAGES PARTICIPANTS AREA to find some restricted content….
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Call for Abstracts: International Indigenous Development Research Conference 2014
…ommunity or population. Underpinning the above themes are the following outcomes, all presentations are to include one or more of the following critical aspects: · Embracing Indigenous Worldviews and Knowledge Creation– the development of indigenous approaches to and methodologies of knowledge creation, exploring indigenous worldviews and understanding the contribution of these approaches to world knowledge. · Furthering Excellent Indigenous Resea…
The right to science | UN general comment | Ideas for collaboration
…emocracy.org/why/ ) This email is meant to inform you about two initiatives, in order of importance 1) our APPEAL FOR A GLOBAL SYSTEM OF QUICK RESPONSE TO PANDEMICS AND THE RIGHT TO SCIENCE, which I invite you to support, and 2) a first ‘research agenda’ on the right to science and human development, which I hope to disseminate in the form of a journal article soon. I would like to involve as many co-authors possible in it so to expand the scope o…
Meier, Ines (2020). 'Children’s Voices and Choices: Q-Methodology as a Capability Measure' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA 2020.