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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

Monthly Archives: February 2018




Cambridge has been home to many researchers working on the Capability Approach. In 2016 we launched a new series of annual capability conferences along similar lines as the early capability conferences that we initiated back in 2001. The main objective was to recreate the intimate intellectual atmosphere, in-depth discussions and time for exchanges, having one hour per paper and no parallel sessions. While a wide range of papers were presented in the first conference of June 2016 (CCC1) and the second conference in June 2017 (CCC2), the overall focus in the former was on taking stock of new initiatives in theoretical and practical approaches to capability approach and the latter was on challenges and dilemmas of measuring and using social choice theory framework. The results of the last two conferences were beyond our expectations in terms of academic interaction and outputs and a book with the best papers of the first CCC is being published by Cambridge University Press this summer. The best papers of the second CCC should also be published.

The focus of our third conference will be on the elaboration and use of capability indicators and other human development and sustainability indicators. We have the privilege of having Professor Mozaffar Qizilbash to be the key-note speaker of the third CCC. Professor Qizilbash is no stranger to scholars familiar with the capability approach. His contributions to both philosophical and measurement issues, the challenges of designing surveys to capture indicators of dimensions of freedoms are well-known.

The conference will be hosted by the Centre of Development Studies, University of Cambridge (Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road) during 22-23 June 2018. There will be a conference fee of £15. Abstracts (max 500 words) or full papers (max 8,000 words) The selection of the best papers will be carried out by a committee integrated by Dr Flavio Comim, Dr Shailaja Fennell and Dr P B Anand. As with the two previous conferences, preference will be given to original papers exploring issues with capability indicators both in terms of theoretical and practical dimensions but other papers related to the Capability Approach are equally welcome. We intend to publish a book with the best 2018 CCC papers that meet the quality, originality and rigour criteria.

Deadline: 23 APRIL 2018.

Please submit papers as email attachment to:

Webinar: Analysing Gender and Disability through Emancipatory Research in Palestine: Results and Methodological Issues

Federico Ciani, PhD and Prof. Mario Biggeri
Department of Economics and Management - University of Florence and ARCO (Action Research for CO-development)

Thursday, February 22nd, 2018
8am – 9.30am Eastern Standard Time
1pm – 2:30pm UK time
6:30pm – 8pm New Delhi time

The main point of Emancipatory Disability Research is to let Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) to get the full control on the knowledge production process about themselves. In other words, PwDs become researchers while the professional researcher become the facilitator of the research process. This research is framed within the International Cooperation Project “Particip-Action” funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. Therefore, the aim of this webinar is twofold. The first objective is to introduce ER as a methodology based on an emancipatory and participatory process able to produce high quality information on disability that are useful for the elaboration of policies and the planning of international cooperation activities. The second, but not less relevant, aim is to analyze the multi-dimensional deprivation of disabled women in the West Bank (Palestine) in terms of access to inclusive and effective education. All the activities included in the projects have been implemented by the Italian NGO Educaid with the cooperation of Local DPOs (Aswat, General Union of Person with Disabilities, Stars of Hope Society) and the Italian Network on Disability and Development.

Speaker’s Bio:
Federico’s research focuses on disability, resilience, rural development, and impact evaluation. He has coordinated several research projects in Italy and in developing countries such as Ethiopia and Palestine. He is assistant lecturer of Human Development and International Cooperation in the School of Economics and Management at the University of Florence. He also teaches impact evaluation methodologies in international residential schools in Italy and abroad. He holds a Ph.D. in the Politics and Economics of Developing Countries from the University of Florence.

Participants must register to participate in this webinar, by filling the following Google form:

Please find more information in the attached file. Details on how to participate will be sent to you a few days before the webinar.
For any question about the webinar, please contact Andrea Ferrannini or Giulia Greco:;

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