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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

Video and Webinar Archive

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HDCA Teacher Workshop 2 – Teaching at Undergraduate Level

In this second event in our Teacher Workshop series we focussed on developments and ideas for teaching about human development and the CA at undergraduate level. We welcomed teachers who are currently teaching on this subject to join us for this event and the workshop was open to members and non-members of the HDCA.

Stacy Kosko (University of Maryland, US) presented a simulation exercise she uses with her students to think about human development ethics. This offered a rich insight into a group activity that enables key issues to be drawn out and developed in an engaging way. Stacy has kindly shared resources that she used in the workshop including her teaching notes and a map for use in setting up the simulation .  Please acknowledge Stacy and her colleagues if you choose to draw on them in your own teaching.

HDCA Webinar 2021 HDCA Videos
62 minutes

“Bouncing Back or Bouncing Forward: social resilience, social rights and capabilities in the post-Covid19 Europe”

Federico Ciani, Phd – University of Florence and ARCO (Action Research for Co-Development)
Prof. Rune Halvorsen – Oslo Metropolitan University
Prof. Jean-Michel Bonvin – Université de Genève

CHAIR: Prof. Mario Biggeri – University of Florence and ARCO (Action Research for Co-Development; Co-ERN Coordinator)
CONVENOR: Caroline Hart, PhD – University of Sheffield (HDCA Co-Education Officer; Co-ERN Coordinator)

HDCA Webinar 2021 European Network HDCA Videos
90 minutes

Health & Disability Thematic Group: PhD work in progress

This webinar offers the opportunity to hear about exciting work in progress that is likely to be of interest to many in our thematic group and beyond.
“Implementing and evaluating capability care for patients with neuromuscular disease” – Bart Bloemen (Radboud UMC, the Netherlands)

“Health capability profile of people living with chronic hepatitis B virus in rural Senegal, a research protocol” – Marion Coste (Aix-Marseille University, France)

“Quality of life for young people with life-threatening and life-limiting conditions” – Isabella Floredin (University of Bristol, UK)

“Interdepartmental relationships and tensions: initial findings on the complexities of delivering a national social assistance for disability programme” – Zara Trafford (Stellenbosch University, South Africa)

HDCA Webinar Health and Disability HDCA Videos
82 minutes

What now for the Capabilities Approach to health, disability and ageing?

Speaker: Sridhar Venkatapuram, King’s College London
Has the COVID-19 pandemic reaffirmed or diminished the coherence and usefulness of the capabilities approach (CA) in relation to health, disability and ageing? In this presentation, Sridhar will discuss the surprising disconnect between the influence of the CA in development thinking and policies, and the policy responses in LMICs to COVID.

HDCA Webinar
67 minutes

Children during the Pandemic: A view from the CA

This webinar aims to shed light on the impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic on children by looking at it through the capabilities approach. It brings together three scholars from different corners of the globe, who will discuss the situation of children in their own regions, and how this may speak to concerns about the effects that the pandemic has had on children’s well-being and capabilities.
Caroline Hart (University of Sheffield): Children living in a Covid-19 World: Reflections from England

Kate Sollis (Australian National University): COVID-19 and its impacts on children and young people in Australia: An evidence review

Graciela Tonon (Universidad de Palermo): Children`s views on the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study

HDCA Webinar Children and Youth
88 minutes

Rethinking Participatory Research in the Pandemic Era

Panelists: Alex A. Frediani, University College London, and Melanie Walker, University of the Free State

In these times of the pandemic, for us as academics, researchers and practitioners who are carrying out our work using participatory approaches, the lockdowns, restrictions on travel, connectivity problems, and the declining availability of stakeholders has serious implications for the quality and the validity of the participatory inquiries and outcomes of our projects.

Through this discussion, we wish to create a collective learning space to come out with options and alternatives that could be adopted to stay true to the principles and processes of participatory research in the pandemic era. What are the frameworks within the capability approach that enable us to understand the present crisis through participatory research? What have been the lived experiences of the researchers in taking forward their participatory work? Is there scope for methodological negotiations and alternatives that could be recommended for participatory researchers to be able to do justice to their research agenda and objectives?

HDCA Webinar Participatory Methods HDCA Videos
122 minutes

Plenary 1: “A story about the time we had a global pandemic and how it affected my life and work as a critical Indigenous scholar”

Keynote Speaker: Linda Smith Waikato University

Kerry Taylor Head, School of Humanities, Massey University
Apirana Pewhairangi Cultural Advisor, 2020HDCA Maori Advisory Group, Massey University
Cynthia White Pro Vice Chancellor, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Massey University
Ingrid Robeyns Political philosopher/Chair ethics of institutions, Utrecht University

HDCA Conference 2020 HDCA Videos
73 minutes
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