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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Conference: The Sociology and Economics of Public Goods, Commodification and Rising Inequality: An Interdisciplinary Conversation

    …n laboratory settings, how different contribution, monitoring and sanction rules affect provision. Throughout, the interaction between inequality and public goods is a question of interest, but typically the causality of focus is from inequality to public goods, not from commodification to inequality. Sociologists have focused on documenting long‐run trends in the provision of public goods and the institutional forces that affect whether goods are…

  2. Call for Papers: The Sociology and Economics of Public Goods, Commodification and Rising Inequality: An Interdisciplinary Conversation

    …n laboratory settings, how different contribution, monitoring and sanction rules affect provision. Throughout, the interaction between inequality and public goods is a question of interest, but typically the causality of focus is from inequality to public goods, not from commodification to inequality. Sociologists have focused on documenting long‐run trends in the provision of public goods and the institutional forces that affect whether goods are…

  3. HDCA’s Health & Disability Thematic group’s Webinar on: “Recovery in Social Contexts: Applying the Capabilities Framework to Public Mental Health Research”

    …ologist whose research in the public mental health systems since 1980 has included research and policy collaborations with users of public sector mental health services aimed at understanding and breaking down system level barriers to services for people with mental illness with other complicating histories or conditions such as addiction and trauma histories….

  4. Opinion piece: “Stop obsessing over GDP when talking about the pandemic recovery”

    …mic focus almost exclusively on growth in GDP, with little consideration for the kinds of goods and services that are produced, the kinds of jobs people do, the lives people are able to lead, and the environmental effects on our world. … ” Read the full opinion piece published August 10 on Business Insider: Written by HDCA Fellows: Jay Drydyk, S…

  5. Overcoming Intolerance: Nussbaum and Her Critics conference

    …versity of Chicago and one of the leading political and legal philosophers today. She is the author of nearly 20 monographs, including The Fragility of Goodness (1986), Sex and Social Justice (1999), Women and Human Development (2000), Hiding from Humanity (2004), Frontiers of Justice (2006) and Creating Capabilities (2011) among many others. This event examines these topics under the umbrella of ‘Overcoming Intolerance’ with a first day interroga…

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