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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. HDCA Undergraduate Workshop: Introduction to the Capability Approach

    13 January, 2021, 1-2.30pm (UK time) This will be our first undergraduate workshop in a series of three. Following requests from HDCA members we will focus on introductory and foundational concepts related to the capability approach. This workshop is aimed primarily at undergraduates so please sign up if you are an undergraduate working with the capability approach [this event is open to undergraduate HDCA members and non-members]. If places rema…

  2. Bouncing back or bouncing forward: social resilience, social rights and capabilities in the post-Covid19 Europe

    …ked to individual and collective ability to flourish as individuals and as communities. The webinar will be an opportunity to reflect on how the concepts of social rights, social citizenship, social resilience and capabilities are interlinked and how they can be used to structure a sustainable response to the many challenges faced by the European society. SPEAKERS Federico Ciani, Phd – University of Florence and ARCO (Action Research for Co-Develo…

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