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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. New Book: “El Desarrollo como derecho humano. Normas nacionales y documentos internacionales. Jurisprudencia de tribunales superiores y regionales”

    …eso, desarrollo y desarrollo humano. El desarrollo como derecho humano en distintos documentos internacionales. El derecho al desarrollo en las regulaciones regionales. El progreso y el desarrollo humano en la doctrina social de la Iglesia. El progreso en el pensamiento argentino previo a la Constitución nacional de 1853. El progreso en la Constitución de 1853 y en las reformas de 1860, 1949 y 1957. La reforma constitucional de 1994 y el desarroll…

  2. Book on “The Capability Approach and Sustainability”

    It is rather astonishing that the issue of sustainability first posed by the Brundtland commission in 1987 has gained so little attention from capability scholars despite the focus of the approach on human well-being. The book “The Capability Approach and Sustainability” has recently been published as the first book dedicated exclusively on this issue. Essentially based on the special issue of the Journal of Human Development and Capabilities pub…

  3. Ph.D. in International and Public Law, Ethics and Economics for Sustainable Development

    …cs, and economics. VACANCIES: 5 Doctoral Research Positions The LEES program is seeking five outstanding and committed students to carry out a three-year multidisciplinary research project. Here, the call for application: and the course website: https://le…

  4. EXTENDED DEADLINE, REDUCED FEE FOR MASTER STUDENTS! “Energy Justice and the Capability Approach – Interdisciplinary Perspectives”

    …. Topics that have been discussed are, for example, questions about availability and affordability of energy and questions about the negative environmental impacts of energy production. The capability approach is today one of the most influential theoretical frameworks for analyzing issues of justice, and there have been a few attempts to employ it within the field of energy justice. The purpose of the conference is to explore further the potentia…

  5. OPEN ACCESS BOOK: Sense and Solidarity: Jholawala Economics for Everyone

    by Jean Dreze, Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, Ranchi University, India A wide-ranging collection of articles on social development in India authored by prominent economist and expert Jean Dreze Includes a detailed introduction on the basic principles of ‘research for action’ Provides a retrospective on social policy debates in India during the last 15 years A unique insight into social development in India Jean Dreze, development ec…

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