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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Online Access

    …igital articles (it only works if you are already logged in to the HDCA website with your HDCA user name). Become a member to access the journal. Become a member to access the journal A personal subscription to the Journal of Human Development & Capabilities (JHDC) costs $120 (see this page on the Taylor & Francis site). The individual HDCA membership fee ranges from $24 to $150, depending on your income. So if you would like to have access to the…

  2. Maitreyee, E-bulletin of the HDCA

    …ken on a number of human development topics. Each issue is guest edited by HDCA members. Past issues of Maitreyee can be accessed by registered website users as well as members. Overview of all past Maitreyee issues…

  3. Overview of past Maitreyee Issues

    This is an overview of all past issues of Maitreyee, the e-bulletin of the HDCA. Issue Theme July ’14 Group Inequality and Intersectionality Dec. ’13 Water and Capabilities June ’13 Collectivity in the Capability Approach Dec. ’12 Value Judgements & Multidimensional Poverty Measurement March ’12 Innovation, Technology & Design Sept. ’11 The Capability Approach as a Theory of Justice March ’11 The Environment Sept. ’10 Religion & Human Development…

  4. New Graduate Student Network Google group!

    …Kindly join it and contribute in form of your draft papers for reviews or comments, new announcements of any conferences or job vacancies, book reviews, any general query over writing thesis…….Please visit the site regularly for more updates and news especially for our forthcoming conference. Lets come together and make it really an active group of HDCA , achieving the goal we ha set for ourselves….Nupur Ray…

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