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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. For Authors

    …e in highest possible resolution. Figure graphics must be viewable in black-and-white format if your article is not printing in colour (for further information please visit ). Captions for all tables and figures captions must be provided. Endnotes Explanatory notes should be kept to a minimum. They should be indicated in the text with a superscript number and grouped as endnotes, after the…

  2. Add Research

    …e HDCA Empirical Databank If not, please add the publication to this database first by using the form ‘add publication’. Once the publication has been approved by the webmaster, you will be able to select it in the form below….

  3. Podcast

    … EPISODE 3: Introducing the Early Career Researchers and Practitioners Network In this episode we speak to organisers of the Early Careers Researchers and Practitioners Network.  Organisers Raphael Ng, Abigail Lennox, Dorothy Ferary & Gareth Wall join us to discuss the group, its history and its purpose…

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