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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Amartya Sen Awarded 2020 Peace Prize of the German Book Trade

    …ork to combat social inequality in education and healthcare is as relevant today as ever. Among Sen’s most important contributions is the idea of evaluating a society’s wealth not solely based on economic growth indices, but also on the opportunities for development available to all individuals who comprise that society, in particular its weakest members. Read more here A related article about Amartya Sen, written by philosopher Christian Neuhäuse…

  2. Commentary: What sets good and bad leaders apart in the coronavirus era

    …of the Witwatersrand Crises bring out the best and worst of politicians and populations. Folly, fear and fortitude are on display everywhere. In the main, democracies have fared better than non-democracies in handling the coronavirus pandemic. But the record is very varied indeed. What explains this? What can be done about it? Read the full article in The Conversation:…

  3. In Memoriam – Kotaro Suzumura

    …butions to the association, including as a keynote speaker at the 2012 HDCA conference and as an advisor to the Tokyo conference organizers in 2016, where he was also a featured speaker in a plenary panel. He generously taught at the 2016 Summer School for young researchers. Kotaro’s death is an enormous intellectual loss for the community of scholars working in areas of his research interests; it is also a great personal loss for his numerous col…

  4. Henry Richardson Awarded 2019 Guggenheim Fellowship in Philosophy

    …on the fly, on the basis of reasons that arise in the context of action.” Read more at: The Guggenheim Foundation offers Fellowships to further the development of scholars and artists by assisting them to engage in research in any field of knowledge and creation in any of the arts, under the freest possible conditions and irrespective of race, color, or creed. The Foundation receives appr…

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