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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. Thematic Groups

    …h or is working in the thematic area can join the thematic groups. As a member of HDCA you can join the thematic groups by simply visiting their webpage and clicking on the button for joining (you have to be logged in to the site). Alternatively, contact the groups coordinators and ask them for instruction. For non-HDCA-members:free registration as a user of this site is required for joining thematic groups. After joining you will be included in t…

  2. HDCA Member Views on the Capability Approach

    …onomic growth. Instead, education is important in a richer way; it has instrumental (e.g. getting a job) and intrinsic (e.g. a love of reading for its own sake) value and transformative potential (e.g. greater gender equality). Education is also valuable for its democratic contributions; it can teach us to reason and deliberate with others – critically, and in an informed way. Education has interpersonal effects in opening up opportunities for oth…

  3. Workshop critical realism, CA & social entrepreneurship/innovation/design

    …On April 30, 2012 there will be a workshop in Berlin under the title “Philosophy of science & case studies – An exploratory workshop with a focus on critical realism and the capability approach” – so no technology or design in there. But if you read the description of the workshop, you will see that the area of application highlighted in the workshop will be social entrepreneurship / design / innovation. If you would like to register or have any…

  4. Online Access

    HDCA members can read issues of the Journal of Human Development & Capabilities (JHDC) online and download articles as PDFs, including the full archives of past issues. Please click below to access the online and digital articles (it only works if you are already logged in to the HDCA website with your HDCA user name). Become a member to access the journal. Become a member to access the journal A personal subscription to the Journal of Human Deve…

  5. Haq Memorial Lectures

    …rom the HDI: a human development agenda for the 21st century” 2019: Rupert Read, Reader in Philosophy, University of East Anglia “The end of globalisation and the return of localisation: How climate change breakdown terminates developmentality” 2018: Santiago Levy, Interamerican Development Bank, “Informality and Social Inclusion” 2017: Selim Jahan, Director of the Human Development Report Office (HDRO) of the United Nations Development Programme…

  6. “Well-Being, Justice and Development Ethics”

    …the most encompassing and compelling ethical framework with which to construct action for improving people’s wellbeing and reducing injustices in the world. This book outlines in a clear and concrete way what the capability approach is and its significance for the social sciences and policy. It describes the distinctiveness of the approach as an ethical framework for action and aims to stimulate critical reflection on current economic and social…

  7. IHDP Writing Contest on “Beyond GDP”

    …print and online version of the magazine (1st place: $500; 2nd place: $200; 3rd place: $100). Deadline for submission: 15 October, 2013 Full details and instructions are available on the IHDP website,…

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