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Palmer, Eric (2007). "Corporate Responsibility and the Capability Approach to Development" Paper presented at the 4th annual conference of the HDCA, 18-20 September 2007, New York, USA.
Panzironi, Francesca (2007). "Indigenous Peoples’ Self-determination and Development Policies" Paper presented at the 4th annual conference of the HDCA, 18-20 September 2007, New York, USA.
Patrinos, Harry, Emmanuel Skoufias, and Lunde Trina (2007). "Indigenous Peoples In Latin America: Economic Opportunities And Social Networks" Paper presented at the 4th annual conference of the HDCA, 18-20 September 2007, New York, USA.
Pedrajas, Marta (2007). "Kantian Foundations Of The Freedom In The Capabilities Approach" Paper presented at the 4th annual conference of the HDCA, 18-20 September 2007, New York, USA.
Pellé, Sophie (2007). "Epistemology changing History" Paper presented at the 4th annual conference of the HDCA, 18-20 September 2007, New York, USA.
Permanyer Ugartemendia, Iñaki (2007). "On the measurement of multidimensional gender inequality: Continuing the debate." Paper presented at the 4th annual conference of the HDCA, 18-20 September 2007, New York, USA.
Peterson, Cecilia Mosca (2007). "Enhancing Global Health: Patterns of Potential Human Progress" Paper presented at the 4th annual conference of the HDCA, 18-20 September 2007, New York, USA.
Peycam, Phillippe (2007). "Negotiating Inter-cultural dialogue in a postcolonial environment; the evolution of institutional knowledge-production in modern Cambodia1" Paper presented at the 4th annual conference of the HDCA, 18-20 September 2007, New York, USA.
Ranis, Gustav, Frances Stewart, and Emma Samman (2007). "Country Behavior on Human Development:All Good Things Don’t Always Go Together" Paper presented at the 4th annual conference of the HDCA, 18-20 September 2007, New York, USA.