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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. WEBINAR – Gender and Energy Access: Economic empowerment

    …n ENERGIA’s recently completed gender and energy research program: Webinar 3: Gender and Energy Access Economic empowerment Time: Thursday, 31 October 2019, 9am ET / 3pm CEST RSVP: Please click here to register for the webinar This webinar will focus on ways to advance a local economy by leveraging women’s energy enterprises. Women play a key role in expanding energ…

  2. Call for reviewers for a paper on Multidimensional Poverty?

    …featuring EERM: one that uses the full method and two that take partial approaches. The resulting outcomes demonstrate how the different components of EERM, when used collectively and within the CA framework, best define sustainable development challenges and achievements. Keywords: ethnographic study, sustainable development, Bolivia, participatory methods, capabilities approach, social inclusion…

  3. Call for reviewers for the submitted papers on capability approach and child maltreatment

    …imately, for the actual review, you would have about 2.5 months to submit) Best and thank you for your support! ABSTRACT There are no known studies that have explored a conceptual basis for valorizing child maltreatment as a human development impediment using the Human Capability Approach. The pilot study assessed the prevalence of child maltreatment amongst 68 (N=219) school-aged children 12 – 17 years in one secondary school in Aruba using Nussb…

  4. call for reviewers for the submitted papers tackling multidimensional poverty

    …imately, for the actual review, you would have about 2.5 months to submit) Best and thank you for your support! TITLE: Overcoming Poverty in Multidimensional Poverty Interventions through Self-assessment and Mentoring Abstract A microfinance organization in Paraguay has developed the “Poverty Stoplight”, a tool that allow families to self-evaluate their level of multidimensional poverty and start an integrated mentoring process that has the goal o…

  5. Commentary: What sets good and bad leaders apart in the coronavirus era

    …, Wits and Cambridge, University of the Witwatersrand Crises bring out the best and worst of politicians and populations. Folly, fear and fortitude are on display everywhere. In the main, democracies have fared better than non-democracies in handling the coronavirus pandemic. But the record is very varied indeed. What explains this? What can be done about it? Read the full article in The Conversation:…

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