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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Call for Papers- Climate Change Education Imperatives in the Global South: Unpacking Vulnerabilities, Mitigation, Agency, Activism, and Inclusivity

    …and climate change. These disasters have a myriad of severe impacts on the lives and livelihoods of people such as agriculture, housing, and the provision of valuable services including health care and quality education. As noted in a report by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) education is “rarely a core focus in emergency responses” (UNOCHA, 2019). This situation is, arguably, worse for the marginali…

  2. WEBINAR: Framing Research and Innovation for Transformative Change Towards Sustainable Development in the European Union

    …nd solidarity systems (among others) to meet people’s needs. Therefore, we live in times urging deep structural transformations towards new ways of structuring our economies and production systems, new social dynamics and more sustainable and inclusive forms of development. Within an inevitable revamping of attention on the need for public action and government intervention, the importance of Research and Innovation (R&I) policies to simultaneousl…

  3. Rethinking Participatory Research in the Pandemic Era

    …e to come out with options and alternatives that could be adopted to stay true to the principles and processes of participatory research in the pandemic era. What are the frameworks within the capability approach that enable us to understand the present crisis through participatory research? What have been the lived experiences of the researchers in taking forward their participatory work? Is there scope for methodological negotiations and alterna…

    HDCA Webinar Participatory Methods HDCA Videos
    122 minutes
  4. Exploring COVID from an Indigenous People perspective

    the world the impact of the illness will play into existing inequalities. In the midst of the crisis, some of the largest protests seen in the US in half a century have flared up over police violence towards black citizens. Many consider this a potential moment for change towards more just structures. Demands for a more just environment have been called of, and a reconstruction of social systems which many argue reproduces injustice. This discuss…

    HDCA Webinar 2020 Indigenous Peoples HDCA Videos
    90 minutes
  5. COVID-19 Reflections: A Global Capability Crisis

    …ould last for many years. It may and should also be an opportunity for the world to reassess the freedoms we should value and the steps we need to make development truly sustainable and inclusive but in either case, the themes of the capability approach (Nussbaum and Sen (1993), Anand and Piketty (2011)) provide a rich source of ideas on which researchers and policy-makers can draw. What consumers and workers can do has been subject to a tremendou…

  6. Call for Presentations: IDEA-UNAULA – Ibague 2021 Congress

    …onflict: ethical pathways towards peace and justice Medellin, Colombia, February 1st – 3rd, 2021 The UNAULA (Universidad Autónoma LatinoAmericana), Universidad de Ibagué and International Development Ethics Association (IDEA) invite scholars, practitioners, policy makers, and other interested parties to submit proposals for presentations at a conference. The conference will be held in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Find the full Call for Presen…

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