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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. 2018 HDCA Conference – keynote lectures

    …e Santiago Levy (Interamerican Development Bank) – English – 56 minutes   “Power, Inequality and Justice: A Latin American Perspective” Plenary V Panelists: Fernando Calderón (Universidad Nacional de San Martín & FLACSO); Sonia Fleury (Centro de Estudios Estratégicos de la Fundación Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz)); Javier Iguiñiz (Pontificia Univ. Católica de Perú) – Spanish – 93 minutes   “Cities, Immigrants and Having a Sense of Place” Plenary VI: Keyno…

  2. RECORDING AVAILABLE: Exploring COVID from an Indigenous People perspective

    …ne 26, 2020 at 5:30 PM – 7 PM UTC+01 View the recording: Download the list of panelists The indigenous experience is very different than that of the larger country where they live. Indigenous people often are marginalized, unseen, and forgotten – resulting in a very different experience of COVID than other groups. From a history of pandemics and indigenous…

  3. In Memoriam – Professor Kenneth Joseph Arrow, Founding HDCA Fellow

    …ocial Choice and Welfare’ was launched. Social choice theorists began to scrutinize and debate Arrow’s “innocuous” conditions, and it was in particular Professor Sen, Nobel prize winner in 1998, who in the light of Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem forcefully argued that the informational basis of collective choice be enriched. Such an enlargement should go beyond ordinal utilities and should include non-utility information of various kinds. One may s…


    …over 120 participatory wellbeing frameworks, spanning every region of the world and all life stages. In particular, the participatory approaches applied to develop these frameworks will be highlighted. Overall, this study demonstrates that while there are some similarities in what matters to people from different population groups, nuances exist within every group. Given this diverse understanding of wellbeing throughout the world, it is vital th…

  5. Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, Co-Winner of Grawemeyer World Order Award

    and provide a way to evaluate performance in a truly comparative perspective,” said Charles Ziegler, a University of Louisville political science professor who directs the world order award. “In short, the ideas expressed in this book can make a significant contribution to world order.”  …

  6. Extended CFP deadline- A World United: Allies in Ethical Development

    …recherche en éthique économique) Conference Theme The conference theme “A World United: Allies in Development” was chosen with the hope of inspiring thoughtful conversations about the important relationships that can both frustrate and facilitate development. Although we are primarily concerned with questions of personal relationships in which individuals and groups of people ally themselves with one another to bring about ethical development, th…

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