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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. Overview of past Maitreyee Issues

    This is an overview of all past issues of Maitreyee, the e-bulletin of the HDCA. Issue Theme July ’14 Group Inequality and Intersectionality Dec. ’13 Water and Capabilities June ’13 Collectivity in the Capability Approach Dec. ’12 Value Judgements & Multidimensional Poverty Measurement March ’12 Innovation, Technology & Design Sept. ’11 The Capability Approach as a Theory of Justice March ’11 The Environment Sept. ’10 Religion & Human Development…

  2. New Graduate Student Network Google group!

    …Kindly join it and contribute in form of your draft papers for reviews or comments, new announcements of any conferences or job vacancies, book reviews, any general query over writing thesis…….Please visit the site regularly for more updates and news especially for our forthcoming conference. Lets come together and make it really an active group of HDCA , achieving the goal we ha set for ourselves….Nupur Ray…

  3. HDCA 2014 Conference Call for Papers Now Available!

    …The HDCA 2014 Conference will take place in Athens, Greece from 2-5 September 2014 on the theme “Human Development in Times of Crisis: Renegotiating Social Justice.” The Call for Papers can be downloaded here: 2014_HDCA_Call_for_Papers_Final Deadline for proposals: March 15, 2014 For more information on the conference, visit the conference page on this site, or…

  4. New books on the CA and Innovation / ICT4D

    …Complexity and Human Development. How Economic Diversification and Social Networks Affect Human Agency and Welfare. New York: Routledge. Are you interested what else has been published on our common topic of interest? The ‘technology & design bibliography’ on this website provides an extensive resource. See If your publications are not included yet, please log in to the HDCA site

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