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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

New books on the CA and Innovation / ICT4D

Cover_Kleine_TechnologiesOfChoiceIn the past year two books have been published which are very relevant to the topic of the HDCA thematic group Technology & Design. Both authors are member of this thematic group - congratulations with your publication!

One book is on ICT for Development (ICT4D):

  • Kleine, Dorothea. 2013. Technologies of Choice? ICTs, development, and the capabilities approach. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Hartmann_Cover_EconomicComplexityHumanDevelopmentAnd one book is on innovation:

  • Hartmann, Dominik. 2014. Economic Complexity and Human Development. How Economic Diversification and Social Networks Affect Human Agency and Welfare. New York: Routledge.

Are you interested what else has been published on our common topic of interest? The 'technology & design bibliography' on this website provides an extensive resource. See

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