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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. HDCA committees

    …Committee Description: The Affiliation Committee answers, approves and oversees requests for affiliation as determined in the guidelines for affiliation. It reports to the EC at least once a year. Finance Committee Description: The Finance Committee oversees all financial matters of the association, supports the Treasurer and reports to the EC at least once a year….

  2. New Book: “Development: The Re-Balancing of Economic Powers”

    …ary debates views about the role of the state and the market. Some major structural changes are also examined from economic growth in Asia to international finance: the author contends that contemporary issues on development can be better understood with the help of the founding fathers of economics, from the Mercantilist era to Marx. They help to understand the difficult relationship between development and market forces within different models o…

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