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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. 2014 HDCA conference – Athens, Greece







    The 2014 HDCA  conference will be hosted jointly by the University of Ioannina  and the Bielefeld Centre for Education and Capability Research.

    The 2014 HDCA Program Committee cordially invites scholars, government policy makers, practitioners and other interested parties from all over the world to participate in the 2014 HDCA conference.  Original empirical research, theoretical issues, case-studies or reports of experiences, or findings from major research projects, and book panels relevant to the 2014 theme, Human Development in Times of Crisis, or more broadly related to human development/capabilities approach will be presented.

  2. In Memoriam – Stephan Klasen

    …Stephan will be missed inconsolably by his wife Christine, four children, Lukas, Nicolas, Sophia, and Jeremias, and by innumerable friends, students and colleagues, the world over. But the greatest loss is for the better world that he sought unrelentingly. – Sanjay G. Reddy        …

  3. 2015 HDCA Conference – Georgetown University

    …irector, Lead economist and Manager of the Migration and Remittances Unit, World Bank. Founder and Head of the Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD), World Bank Moderator: Susan F. Martin, Donald G. Herzberg Professor of International Migration, Georgetown University 6. 2015 Martha C. Nussbaum Lecture Saturday 9/12, 4-5 pm Seyla Benhabib, Professor of Political Science and Philosophy (Yale University) “Democratic Itera…

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