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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. Online Access

    …ed in to the HDCA website with your HDCA user name). Become a member to access the journal. Become a member to access the journal A personal subscription to the Journal of Human Development & Capabilities (JHDC) costs $120 (see this page on the Taylor & Francis site). The individual HDCA membership fee ranges from $24 to $150, depending on your income. So if you would like to have access to the journal, why not consider becoming an HDCA member?…

  2. Maitreyee, E-bulletin of the HDCA

    Maitreyee, the E-bulletin of the HDCA, analyzes in each issue a specific theme that relates to the human development and capability approach. New editions are no longer being published, but we invite you to browse past issues, each of which includes: Short articles which are written by experts in the field and which provide a brief overview of the literature for the non-specialist reader. Short reviews of practical work being done. Maitreyee is a…

  3. Overview of past Maitreyee Issues

    This is an overview of all past issues of Maitreyee, the e-bulletin of the HDCA. Issue Theme July ’14 Group Inequality and Intersectionality Dec. ’13 Water and Capabilities June ’13 Collectivity in the Capability Approach Dec. ’12 Value Judgements & Multidimensional Poverty Measurement March ’12 Innovation, Technology & Design Sept. ’11 The Capability Approach as a Theory of Justice March ’11 The Environment Sept. ’10 Religion & Human Development…

  4. New Graduate Student Network Google group!

    …w GSN google account. Lack of constant interaction and communication have been the challenges of our group, so to make it more vibrant in terms of a common platform for interaction, we have a new google account- Kindly join it and contribute in form of your draft papers for reviews or comments, new announcements of any conferences or job vacancies, book reviews, any general query over writing thesis…….Please visit th…

  5. HDCA 2014 Conference Call for Papers Now Available!

    …The HDCA 2014 Conference will take place in Athens, Greece from 2-5 September 2014 on the theme “Human Development in Times of Crisis: Renegotiating Social Justice.” The Call for Papers can be downloaded here: 2014_HDCA_Call_for_Papers_Final Deadline for proposals: March 15, 2014 For more information on the conference, visit the conference page on this site, or…

  6. New books on the CA and Innovation / ICT4D

    In the past year two books have been published which are very relevant to the topic of the HDCA thematic group Technology & Design. Both authors are member of this thematic group – congratulations with your publication! One book is on ICT for Development (ICT4D): Kleine, Dorothea. 2013. Technologies of Choice? ICTs, development, and the capabilities approach. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. And one book is on innovation: Hartmann, Dominik. 2014. Econom…

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