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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. CfP: Intergenerational Solidarity at the Beginning of the 21st Century

    …rsary of organizing the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations in the European Union (EY2012). One of the core ideas behind that initiative was to integrate activities of various stakeholders at all levels and to redesign public policies (EC 2012). This European Year was aimed not only at underlining the potentials of older people and fostering their active participation in society and the economy. The EY2012 initiative…

  2. Call for Papers: ASAUK Biennial Conference, University of Birmingham

    …tically linked panels, with a panel normally consisting of a minimum of three paper presenters and one chair. They are also expected to respond to proposals from colleagues who wish to contribute panels or individual papers to their stream. A list of all the streams with short abstracts and details on the organisers can be viewed on the website via this link: All individuals who would like to submi…

  3. Call for Papers – 12th AFD International Conference on Development

    …rends in economic history. Although the terms used by these policies have been based on rich concepts, they have not always had settled meanings. Two major concepts emerged from the long and complex exchanges that shaped practices in development aid in the 1990s. The first is governance, a concept whose meaning has evolved constantly since it first appeared in the economic literature. In the 1990s, structural adjustment programs and the conditiona…

  4. Call for papers – Special Issue of Sustainability

    …rs for a special issue of the Open Access journal Sustainability on Human Development in the Anthropocene: Rethinking Sustainability, that is jointly edited by myself, Prof. Gretchen Daily, Stanford University, Dr. Pedro Conceiçao, Director, HDRO, UNDP, Dr. Heroberto Tapia, UNDP. Sustainability-Human_Development-flyer All contributions are most welcome. Note that the deadline is 20 April 2021. All papers can be directly submitted through the journ…

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