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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. May 12 CfP Deadline: “Environmental Citizenship and Individual Responsibility for Global Environmental Problems (EC.IRGEP)”

    …et others defend duties to reduce emissions with reference to so called non-causation arguments, such as the duty to maintain our integrity as moral agents (Glover, 1975; Hordequin, 2011) or to display virtuous character traits (Jamieson, 2010). Finally, another group of authors bases such duties on the wrongness of contributing to, rather than causing, harmful outcomes (Raterman, 2012; Baatz, 2014). This debate reached a considerable level of sop…

  2. Webinar: Horizontal inequalities and intersectionality

    …icipants. The last 20 minutes of the webinar will be reserved for an open discussion on participants’ current work on these themes and an opportunity to exchange with other people working in this area. To register to attend this online event please contact Amanda Lenhardt ( With our best regards, Dr. Paola Ballon and Amanda Lenhardt, Co-coordinators, Horizontal inequalities Thematic Group, Human Development and Capability As…

  3. Vote in the HDCA Executive Council elections!

    …All HDCA members are encouraged to vote in the 2016 Executive Council elections. There are three positions to be filled: Secretary, Information Officer, and Officer at Large. All members were sent an email from ‘Election Buddy’ with an individual link to the online voting. If you did not receive the email, please contact Kathy Rosenblum at The online voting will remain open through June 15 at 11 pm UK time….

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