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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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The Role of Social Policy in Promoting Human Security in the MENA Region

This webinar explores the concept of human security within the MENA region. The region has long been marred by protracted conflicts that have a strong multi-dimensional nature. This requires a closer examination of the various threats to social cohesion. Human security proves to be a worthwhile construct to further explore within this context due to its ability to recognise multiple threats – whether from poverty, inequality or political marginalisation. Not only can human security be defined as a people-centred, multi-disciplinary comprehension of security, above all it seeks to advance freedom to live in dignity, freedom from fear and freedom from want/need. Freedoms which are essential to build a peaceful society. Linking human security back to its grounding in human development, allows for a further exploration as to what role social policy can play in promoting human security within the MENA region. The webinar was organised by both the HDCA Thematic Group Human Security and the MENA Social Policy Network and is part of the current GCRF-AHRC project on “Strengthening Security and Social Welfare in the MENA region”.

Watch here:

HDCA Webinar 2021 Human Security HDCA Videos

The use of survey data in operationalising of capability approach

Due to the multi-dimensional and fluid nature of the capabilities approach, structured, large-sample surveys are less likely to be used to evaluate the progress of individuals on various dimensions of the capability approach. But our speakers have risen up to this challenge and share their insights about the same, from different geographies. Kate Sollis from Australian National University discusses it in context of Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC) data set, Darlington Mushongera, from University of Witwatersrand analyses the Guateng City Region Observatory Quality of Life Survey, South Africa and Raffaele Ciula from Sapienza University (Rome) discusses the longitudinal survey of Bolsa Familia program at Brazil.

The webinar is moderated by HDCA Fellow Professor Paul Anand, who shares his insights about a similar exercise conducted on British Household Panel Survey.

HDCA Webinar Quantitative Research Methods HDCA Videos
110 minutes

Capability as informational basis for work and employment politics – a European research experience

In CAPRIGHT (Resources, Rights and Capabilities: In search of social foundations for Europe, (2007-2010) 24 partners from 13 European countries shared their work on capability–related concepts to inform European labour policies and work practices – understood in a wide sense and comprising services and regulation in the fields of work, employment, vocational training, work arrangements and collective action.

HDCA Webinar 2021 Work and Employment HDCA Videos
76 minutes

Using the Capability Approach to Conceptualise Wellbeing

Speaker: Ingrid Robeyns, Utrecht University

The capability approach is one of the many different frameworks that can be used to conceptualise well-being. This seminar will address the following questions: How does one use the capability approach to conceptualise wellbeing? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the capability approach to conceptualise well-being? For which purposes is this an appropriate framework, and in which contexts should one consider using another framework? What are the consequences for the deeply inter- and multidisciplinary nature of the capability approach to its conceptualisation of wellbeing? And finally, what are some points of attention to keep in mind if one wants to use this framework not just for conceptualising well-being, but also for empirical research and policy making?

HDCA Webinar 2021 HDCA Videos
90 minutes

Inclusive Data and Statistics: Human Development and Disability Indicators in Low- and Middle-income Countries

Presenter: Sophie Mitra, Fordham University

This study first examines to what extent household surveys and censuses in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) include disability questions and the types of questions under use. It then disaggregates human development indicators across disability status to assess the situation of persons and households with disabilities with 24 censuses and general household surveys from 21 LMICs. Findings have implications for data collection, research and policy.

Sophie Mitra is professor of economics and founding director of the Research Consortium on Disability at Fordham University in New York City. She has studied the economic impact of disability and mental illness, the effects of social protection programs, multidimensional poverty, the association between disability and poverty, the definition of disability. She is the author of Disability, Health and Human Development (Palgrave MacMillan, 2018).

HDCA Webinar 2021 Health and Disability HDCA Videos
56 minutes

HDCA Graduate Workshop 2: Writing for Publication

The focus of the worship is ‘Writing for Journal Publication’ with presenters Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti (University of Pavia, Italy) and Graciela Tonon (Universidad de Palermo, Argentina). Enrica is the Editor of the Journal of Human Development and Capabilities and Graciela holds numerous editorial roles including as editor of the Spanish language Journal of Ciencias Sociales of Universidad de Palermo. Listeners will have an opportunity to hear about the process of developing an article for publication and the different opportunities for publishing academic work which draws on the capability approach.

HDCA Webinar 2021 HDCA Videos
88 minutes

Capabilities at the end of the life-course: exploring issues of measurement

Presentation by Professor Joanna Coast, University of Bristol

This webinar starts from the perspective that it is potentially valuable to measure capabilities at the end of life, to aid in the evaluation of particular health and care interventions, but focuses on the associated measurement difficulties.  It considers the options for measuring capabilities, considers who should measure capabilities and what the potential measurement issues might be with different approaches.  It utilises two qualitative case studies to shed light on measurement issues that might occur when the person at the end of life measures capabilities and when others assess their capabilities. 

HDCA Webinar 2021 Health and Disability HDCA Videos
58 minutes

Framing Research and Innovation for Transformative Change Towards Sustainable Development in the European Union

Marta Truco Calbet – European Commission DG Research and Innovation
Michele Capriati – University of Bari
Andrea Ferrannini – ARCO (Action Research for Co-Development)

Mario Biggeri – University of Florence, ARCO (Action Research for Co-Development) and HDCA Joint European Regional Network Coordinator

Caroline Hart, PhD – University of Sheffield, HDCA Co-Education Officer, and HDCA Joint European Regional Network Coordinator

This webinar discusses to what extent and how R&I policy in the post-COVID scenario can represent a leverage for transformative change by empowering individuals and communities to meet social needs and address the issues of sustainable and inclusive societies. In particular, it provides theoretical arguments and policy recommendations to design a roadmap for a new approach on R&I policies at European level, in order to contribute to transforming the EU into a fair and prosperous society and put its economy on a more sustainable and inclusive path.

HDCA Webinar 2021 European Network HDCA Videos
89 minutes

The State of the Union: Reflections on Democracy and Division in and beyond the United States of America

Democracy is in crisis. The United States—once viewed as the world’s most stable democracy—is witnessing a surge of right-wing extremism, nationalism, and authoritarian populism fueled, in part, by conspiracy theories and disinformation campaigns, white supremacy, and toxic masculinity. These forces converged in a literal attack on democracy during an insurrection at the Capitol building in Washington, DC on January 6, 2021. More globally, a recent “democratic recession” seems to have halted if not reversed the third wave of democratization (Diamond 2015), and everywhere there are signs of the deterioration of political rights and civil liberties (Abramowitz 2018), the erosion of citizens’ trust in government (Pew Research Center 2017), and growing disaffection with democratic norms and institutions (Foa and Mounk 2017).

This moment and the challenges it presents—including challenges to the cause of human development and justice—demand scholarly attention. To help facilitate such attention, the North American Regional Network of the Human Development and Capabilities Association, is hosting a webinar with a distinguished group of panelists to discuss the state of democracy—both recent events and broader trends—on February 19th at 11:00AM EST. Our hope is this panel will help to start a discussion within the human development paradigm about threats and challenges to democracy around the globe.


David A. Crocker, Research Professor Emeritus at the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland, USA.

Chloe Schwenke, president and founder of the Center for Values in International Development. 

Eddy M. Souffrant, faculty member of the Department of Philosophy at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. 

Frances Stewart, emeritus professor of Development Economics. Director of the Oxford Department of International Development (1993-2003) and the  Centre for Research on Inequality, Human Security and Ethnicity (2003-2010). 

HDCA Webinar North American Network HDCA Videos
90 minutes
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