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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

Conflicts in Human Rights-Based Development

(This video includes presentations by the two speakers; it does not include the discussion that follows)

Gustavo Arosemena, assistant professor at the Maastricht Centre for Human Rights, and Bart Kleine Deters, a senior researcher at ECBO, a Dutch education research center,  speak about their book chapter “Conflicts in Human Rights-Based Development”.  The authors note that it has become increasingly common to define development in terms of rights. However, they write,

What is rarely recognized is that even if development is conceptualized in terms of rights, it remains a conflictive process. Normally it is not possible to satisfy the rights or claims to development of all needy parties. Consequently, there is a need to make choices, to make trade-offs. How this squares with talk of ‘rights’ is not well understood. Existing theories of rights-based development say little about conflicts or how to solve them. (Arosemena & Kleine Deters, 2020, p. 242)

duration: 44 minutes
film date: February 4, 2022

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