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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

Archivo de la categoría: HDCA event/news

This is meant for events that have permission to use the HDCA logo in their promotion. In practice, this will be limited to either the HDCA conference, or events organized by one of the HDCA’s thematic groups or regional networks.

HDCA’s Children, Education, and Health & Disability Thematic groups’ joint Webinar on: “Psychotropic Kids: navigating children’s right to health and right to refuse treatment in contexts of poverty”

HDCA’s Children, Education, and Health & Disability Thematic groups invite you to a joint webinar on:

“Psychotropic Kids: navigating children’s right to health and right to refuse treatment in contexts of poverty”

By China Mills

Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI)

Tuesday May 6th, 2014

2:00 to 3:00pm in London

6:30 to 7:30pm in Delhi

9:00 to 10:00am Eastern Standard Time

Participants must register to participate in this webinar. Details on how to participate will be sent to you a few days before the webinar. To register and for any question about the webinar, please contact Hoolda Kim


The Webinar: China Mills will present a paper that explores the tensions between children’s right to access psychiatric treatment, and their right to refuse treatment, within growing advocacy (from the World Health Organization and the Movement for Global Mental Health) to ‘scale up’ access to psychotropic drugs for children in the global South. It will map the physical, psychological and socio-political effects of increasingly global psychotropic interventions into (poor) children’s lives, reading this alongside a growing pathologisation of, and pharmaceutical interventions into, poverty.


Speaker’s Bio: China Mills is a Research Officer at the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI). She has published widely and is the author of the book titled ‘Decolonizing Global Mental Health: The Psychiatrization of the Majority World’, Routledge, London and New York. She has carried out research into the social determinants of mental health globally, and has been a visiting lecturer at a number of universities. She completed a PhD, titled, ‘Globalising Disorders: Encounters with Psychiatry in India’ at Manchester Metropolitan University, conducting fieldwork in India. At OPHI, she works on Social Isolation and Shame and Humiliation as part of the Missing Dimensions of poverty analysis programme.


The webinar will be moderated by Mario Biggeri, Caroline Hart and Sophie Mitra.

HDCA’s Health & Disability Thematic group’s Webinar on: “Towards Comparative Measures of Disability Policy: The case of Inclusive Cities”

The webinar included a presenation by Victor Santiago Pineda, Ph.D, Department of City and Regional Planning, University of California Berkeley.

Victor Santiago Pineda, PhD is a recognized expert on comparative disability policy.  Over the past 10 years he has documented the conditions of persons with disabilities in Yemen, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Lebanon, and provided technical assistance to governmental agencies in Serbia, Bosnia, Thailand, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.  He is currently the Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow for Academic Diversity at the University of California, Berkeley and research director of the World Enabled Initiative.

HDCA’s Health & Disability and Quantitative Research Methods Thematic group’s Webinar on: ” Analysis of capability deprivation of people with Alzheimer’s disease using a structural equation model”

The webinar included  a presentation by Jaya Krishnakumar followed by questions and answers.

Jaya Krishnakumar, PhD.  a full professor of Econometrics at the Department of Economics, University of Geneva, Switzerland. Her research interests include panel data econometrics, econometrics of non-stationarity and cointegration, multivariate econometric modelling, quantitative methods for human development, poverty and inequality. She has publications in international journals such as Econometric TheoryJournal of EconometricsOxford Bulletin of Economics and StatisticsComputational Statistics and Data Analysis, Journal of Public Economics, European Economic Review, Health EconomicsSocial Indicators ResearchWorld Development, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities.

HDCA’s Health & Disability Thematic group’s Webinar on: “Recovery in Social Contexts: Applying the Capabilities Framework to Public Mental Health Research”

The webinar included  a presentation by Mary-Jane Alexander followed by questions and answers.

Mary Jane Alexander, PhD is the Director of the Center to Study Recovery in Social Contexts and of the Social Science and Innovation laboratory at the Nathan Kline Institute and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the NYU Langone School of Medicine.  In the Center, Dr. Alexander co-directs the Research Core and is an investigator of the projects "Operationalizing Capabilities Framework for Mental Health Services Research", "Social Contexts of Parenting” and "Silent Wisdom”.  She is a social psychologist whose research in the public mental health systems since 1980 has included research and policy collaborations with users of public sector mental health services aimed at understanding and breaking down system level barriers to services for people with mental illness with other complicating histories or conditions such as addiction and trauma histories. 

HDCA’s Health & Disability Thematic group’s Webinar on: “Measuring Capabilities among Individuals with Mental Health Disorders”

The webinar included a presentation by Judit Simon and Paul Anand followed by questions and answers.

Judit Simon is Senior Researcher at the Health Economics Research Centre of the University of Oxford and Honorary Senior Research Fellow at Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust. Over the past years, Judit has contributed to several applied economic evaluation and outcome research projects in the areas of mental health, diabetes and perinatology. Her current research focuses on the delivery of cost-effective interventions for people with severe mental health disorders, broader system-level evaluation and international comparison of mental health services, and the operationalisation of the capabilities approach for use in mental health economic studies.

Paul Anand is a Professor at the Open University and Research Associate at the Health Economics Research Centre in Oxford University. Paul has previously held fellowships in Oxford and Cambridge Universities. His work stems from long standing interests in the foundations of decision sciences. Paul has argued for the expansion of decision theory beyond older conceptions of rational choice, something that has, broadly speaking, taken place both in economics and philosophy.  In recent years, he has been interested in the operationalisation of Sen’s capabilities approach to welfare economics and its use in debates about the measurement of progress.

HDCA’s Health & Disability Thematic group’s Webinar on: “Health care resource allocation: is there a role for the capability approach?”

The webinar included  presentations by two panelists: Paula Lorgelly and Sridhar Venkatapuram

Paula Lorgelly is an Associate Professor of Health Economics at Monash University. Paula’s research interests are varied, but generally centre on the methodological issues of economic evaluations, including the measurement of outcome, and the analysis of large datasets using econometric techniques.  Her current research includes: operationalising the capability approach to derive a new outcome measure; economic evaluations of complex public health interventions; and analyses of health/survey data.

Sridhar Venkatapuram is a Wellcome Trust Research Fellow in ethics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and an Affiliated Lecturer at Cambridge University.   His first book is titled Health Justice: An argument from the capabilities approach published in 2011 by Polity Press. Sridhar is currently working on his second book which focuses on the modern history and current issues in global health ethics aimed at undergraduates.

HDCA’s Health & Disability Thematic group’s Webinar on: “Impact of Community-Based Rehabilitation Programs on the Capabilities of Persons with Disabilities: Results from India and Uganda”

The webinar included  a presentation by Mario Biggeri followed by questions and answers.

Mario Bigger is Associate Professor in Development Economics at the Department of Economics, University of Florence, Italy, and the Academic Director of the Master in Development Economics. He is Scientific Director of the research Lab ARCO (Action Researcih for CO-development) of the University of Florence. He has worked for three years as consultant at UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre (IRC). His research interests include impact evaluation and the theory of change, local development (clusters of small and medium enterprises, and informal activities), child labour, children and persons with disabilities and capabilities and international cooperation. He is the co-author or co-editor of seven books and has published extensively in a broad range of international journals. He is a Fellow of the Human Development Capability Association (HDCA) and co-coordinator of the thematic group on ‘Children’s capabilities’.

HDCA’s Health & Disability Thematic Group’s Webinar on: “Disability and Poverty: Results from Multidimensional Poverty Studies”

The webinar included presentations by two panelists, Sophie Mitra and Jean-Francois Trani, followed by questions and answers.

Panelist and Moderator: Sophie Mitra

Sophie Mitra, Ph.D is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at Fordham University and co-coordinator for the Health and Disability Thematic Group of HDCA. Sophie  Mitra’s main research interests are related to disability and development.

Panelist: Jean-Francois Trani

Jean-Francois Trani, Ph.D is an assistant professor at the Brown School of Social Work and Public Health, Washington University, St Louis. He carried out as principal investigator the National Disability Survey in Afghanistan. He has recently contributed to several large scale surveys on disability and vulnerability in Africa (Sudan, Sierra Leone), Nepal and India.

Call for Abstracts: International Indigenous Development Research Conference 2014

25th – 28th November 2014
Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand

6th Biennial Conference hosted by Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga

Nau mai, piki mai, haere mai (all welcome!)

The 6th Biennial Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga conference will highlight indigeneity and the multidisciplinary approach used for indigenous development. The conference welcomes both oral and poster presentations.  All oral presentations will be 20 mins, plus 5 mins for questions.

Conference Themes
Presentations and papers must address aspects of one of the following themes central to the realisation of indigenous development:
·        Optimising Indigenous Economic Wellbeing – addressing issues, needs and opportunities arising in indigenous communities leading to increased economic independence and self-determination.
·        Healthy and Thriving Indigenous Families – addressing issues, needs and opportunities arising in indigenous families leading to healthy, successful and thriving indigenous families.
·        Enhancing Indigenous Distinctiveness –  understanding the distinctive contributions that indigenous communities – people, knowledge, assets, resources – do and may yet make to the world.  Opportunities for development that may not be sourced from any other community or population.

Underpinning the above themes are the following outcomes, all presentations are to include one or more of the following critical aspects:
·        Embracing Indigenous Worldviews and Knowledge Creation– the development of indigenous approaches to and methodologies of knowledge creation, exploring indigenous worldviews and understanding the contribution of these approaches to world knowledge.
·        Furthering Excellent Indigenous Research Capability – what is the nature of the indigenous research capability? How is this achieved? How can we harness new technologies? What do we mean by excellence in indigenous research capability? Do any current models exist? What models exist in the histories of indigenous communities?
·        Indigenous Action Taking and Transformation – what is the ‘bridge’ between indigenous development research and positive change in our communities? How can we ensure that the outcomes and benefits of our research do get into the hands of those who can make change in our communities? How is positive change achieved through our research?

Submitting an Abstract
Please submit an Abstract (max 200 words) for either an oral or poster presentation by completing the Abstract Submission Form at

Guidelines for abstract submission and presentations can be found on the conference website;  All Abstracts will be assessed by the Conference Abstract Committee.

There is potential for a limited number of panel presentations, please contact us as soon as possible if you are interested in convening a panel. There will be a published, reviewed conference proceedings and all accepted authors will be invited to submit their full paper to the conference proceedings.

Important Dates
Abstract Submission open: February 2014              Abstracts Submission close: 1 April 2014
Notification of Abstract Outcome: 16 June
Proceedings Submissions open: 1 July 2014            Proceedings Submission close: 1 October 2014
Registrations Open: February 2014                          Early bird registration deadline: 4 July 2014

Contact for abstract, panel and paper queries:

Multidimensional poverty measurement in the post-2015 development context – live webcast of side-event at the UN General Assembly

1.15-2.30 pm (EST), 24 September 2013, United Nations, New York
Live and on-demand webcast coverage will be available on UN Web TV:

The Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network will hold a special side-event to coincide with the High Level Meetings of the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly. The event will address the future of multidimensional poverty measurement in the context of the post-2015 development agenda.

Panelists working at the forefront of poverty measurement will make the case for a new multidimensional poverty index (MPI) 2015+ (also described as an MPI 2.0) to support the post-2015 development goals. The MPI2015+ would often be complemented by national MPIs, as in Mexico and Colombia, whose indicators reflect national priorities and contexts. The Network will echo calls for a ‘data revolution’ to undergird multidimensional poverty measures with better and more frequent data.

Confirmed speakers at the event on 24 September include:
  • Colombia: Bruce Mac Master, Director, Department of Social Prosperity
  • Germany: Gudrun Kopp, Parliamentary Secretary of State
  • Mexico: Gonzalo Hernandez, Director of the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (CONEVAL)
  • Philippines: Arsenio Balisacan, Minister of Socioeconomic Planning
  • Morocco: Ahmed Lahlimi Alami, High Commissioner of Planning
  • Nigeria: Shamsuddeen Usman, Minister of Planning
  • Chile: Bruno Baranda, Minister of Social Development
  • Jaime Saavedra, Acting Vice President, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management, World Bank
  • Erik Solheim, Chair, OECD Development Assistance Committee
  • Sabina Alkire, Director, OPHI, University of Oxford

Live and on-demand webcast coverage will be available on UN Web TV:

Data shows that people who are multidimensionally poor are not necessarily income poor. Nor do the same policies reduce both poverties. By adopting a multidimensional poverty measure to support the post-2015 development goals, we can incorporate participatory insights of those living in poverty and ensure we eradicate both multidimensional and income poverty.

This event is organised by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, CONEVAL of Mexico, the Department for Social Prosperity of Colombia, the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative at the University of Oxford (OPHI) and the new Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network, a global network of policymakers dedicated to advancing the multidimensional measurement of poverty and improving poverty reduction efforts.

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