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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

Call for Abstracts: International Indigenous Development Research Conference 2014

25th – 28th November 2014
Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand

6th Biennial Conference hosted by Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga

Nau mai, piki mai, haere mai (all welcome!)

The 6th Biennial Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga conference will highlight indigeneity and the multidisciplinary approach used for indigenous development. The conference welcomes both oral and poster presentations.  All oral presentations will be 20 mins, plus 5 mins for questions.

Conference Themes
Presentations and papers must address aspects of one of the following themes central to the realisation of indigenous development:
·        Optimising Indigenous Economic Wellbeing – addressing issues, needs and opportunities arising in indigenous communities leading to increased economic independence and self-determination.
·        Healthy and Thriving Indigenous Families – addressing issues, needs and opportunities arising in indigenous families leading to healthy, successful and thriving indigenous families.
·        Enhancing Indigenous Distinctiveness –  understanding the distinctive contributions that indigenous communities – people, knowledge, assets, resources – do and may yet make to the world.  Opportunities for development that may not be sourced from any other community or population.

Underpinning the above themes are the following outcomes, all presentations are to include one or more of the following critical aspects:
·        Embracing Indigenous Worldviews and Knowledge Creation– the development of indigenous approaches to and methodologies of knowledge creation, exploring indigenous worldviews and understanding the contribution of these approaches to world knowledge.
·        Furthering Excellent Indigenous Research Capability – what is the nature of the indigenous research capability? How is this achieved? How can we harness new technologies? What do we mean by excellence in indigenous research capability? Do any current models exist? What models exist in the histories of indigenous communities?
·        Indigenous Action Taking and Transformation – what is the ‘bridge’ between indigenous development research and positive change in our communities? How can we ensure that the outcomes and benefits of our research do get into the hands of those who can make change in our communities? How is positive change achieved through our research?

Submitting an Abstract
Please submit an Abstract (max 200 words) for either an oral or poster presentation by completing the Abstract Submission Form at

Guidelines for abstract submission and presentations can be found on the conference website;  All Abstracts will be assessed by the Conference Abstract Committee.

There is potential for a limited number of panel presentations, please contact us as soon as possible if you are interested in convening a panel. There will be a published, reviewed conference proceedings and all accepted authors will be invited to submit their full paper to the conference proceedings.

Important Dates
Abstract Submission open: February 2014              Abstracts Submission close: 1 April 2014
Notification of Abstract Outcome: 16 June
Proceedings Submissions open: 1 July 2014            Proceedings Submission close: 1 October 2014
Registrations Open: February 2014                          Early bird registration deadline: 4 July 2014

Contact for abstract, panel and paper queries:

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