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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

Conference: India after 25 years of Economic Reforms: What’s achieved? What’s ahead?

Two-day international  Conference and one-day Doctoral Colloquium

Hosted By

Central University of Kerala
School of Economics

About the Conference
The reform of 1991 was a policy break in Indian economy with an overall objective of macro-economic stabilization. Reforms bought about a paradigm shift in the Indian economic structure from a state-led mixed economy to market-led open economy. Emphasis was on self-transformation of the system to create, secure and facilitate a competitive market economy, then leave that economy to self-regulate itself and to align it to the integrated global competitive market economy. Such reform policies were implemented in the country as part of transforming the system through radical changes in Indian economic and social scenario, thus resulting in growth acceleration, trade and market expansion and industrial competitiveness, among others. Though there were several positive knots as mentioned above, we could also observe increasing inequality in income, low elasticity of employment, urbanization and creation of outlier population in the cities, social tensions, and sluggishness in agriculture.

In this context, the Department of Economics under School of Economics, Central University of Kerala proposed to conduct an international conference in the month of March 2018. The conference is intended to examine the transformation of Indian economy in two and half decades of reforms. Are we still banking on old institutions and systems? Do our reforms enough and what to be needed?

Theme of Conference
The conference will be focusing on India’s development experiences through twenty five years of economic reforms with focus on the question “has India really transformed?” This is expected to be a forum for deliberations and discussions on India’s transformation under economic reforms by policy makers, academicians, researchers and leading social scientists from India and abroad.

The third day of the Conference is exclusively for a Doctoral Colloquium to provide the doctoral students an opportunity to present their thesis work to senior faculty and interact with one another.

The conference will have special tracks on:

  • Economic reforms and inclusive growth
  • Labour market and employment generation
  • Poverty alleviation and equitable growth
  • Sustainable development and environmental issues
  • Agriculture development and food security
  • Industrial policies and performance
  • Fiscal reforms and changing role of institutions
  • Openness, international trade and investment
  • Money, banking & financial reforms
  • Kerala in liberalized world

Paper Submission
Academic scholars, industrial consultants and policy makers are invited to present their research work. Papers from cross-disciplinary fields that are related to economic policy and/or social welfare are also invited for presentation.

Important Dates: Submission of extended abstract

(at least 500 words)

January 22, 2018
Decision on acceptance January 27, 2018
Submission of full paper

(not to exceed 7000 words)

February 19, 2018
Registration deadline February 19, 2018
Conference March 1 & 2, 2018
Doctoral Colloquium March 3, 2018



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