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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

Monthly Archives: October 2019

WEBINAR – Gender and Energy Access: Economic empowerment

You are invited to attend the final webinar in a three-part series on ENERGIA's recently completed gender and energy research program:

Webinar 3: Gender and Energy Access
Economic empowerment

TimeThursday, 31 October 2019, 9am ET / 3pm CEST
RSVP: Please click here to register for the webinar

This webinar will focus on ways to advance a local economy by leveraging women’s energy enterprises. Women play a key role in expanding energy access in last-mile communities, yet they are still underrepresented in the energy product and service supply chain. In this webinar, researchers will discuss recent evidence that shows investing in women energy entrepreneurs is good for women, their families, and the growth of their businesses. In addition, presenters will share lessons learned from practitioners on how to best support women energy entrepreneurs in order to maximize their success.

More details on the final reports presented during this webinar can be found below.

APPLY NOW: Master Class “Social Justice and Fair Limits to Wealth” with Prof. Ingrid Robeyns

Munich School of Philosophy, Germany, 17-19 February, 2020

The Munich School of Philosophy is organizing a philosophical master class for junior researchers (PhD and Postdocs) and advanced students focusing on ethics, political philosophy, and theories of distributive justice.

Prof. Dr. Ingrid Robeyns (Utrecht University, Netherlands) will teach the master class. Texts and discussion at the master class will deal with the issues whether it is morally bad that people have more than a certain amount of economic resources. Philosophical issues with regard to introducing a maximum threshold for individual wealth accumulation are “Is it immoral to be rich?”, “Do wealthy individuals undermine political equality?”, “Is individual wealth accumulation just in the face of unmet urgent needs?” and “Should wealthy individuals contribute to climate mitigation or adaptation?”. You can learn more about the topic on the website of the Fair Limits Project.

The master class has a pre-read format. Texts will be made available one month before the master class. Participants are expected to read these texts in advance. Additionally, each participant is expected to give a short presentation of 10-15 minutes addressing the philosophical questions in one of the texts in order to contribute to the discussion. After that, the sessions of the master class will be devoted to discussing these questions with Ingrid Robeyns.


Please apply with a short CV (max. 1 page) and a letter of intent (max. two pages) indicating why you are interested in participation and how participation would further you research/study-agenda. Please send your application as one PDF to and until November 15th 2019.
If you cannot meet this deadline, but want to participate, please contact us and we will try and find a solution that works for all of us.

Practical Information:

Dates: Monday, February 17th 2020 - 14.00 till Wednesday, February 19th 2020 - 9.00 - Departure
Fees/Costs: The participation fee is 58,- EUR. This includes snacks during breaks, dinner on 17 th lunch and dinner on the 18 th of February.
For overnight stay and breakfast the Akademie offers rooms at a reduced price of 50,- EUR per night. Please indicate in your application whether and for how many nights you would like to stay in the Akademie.
The Akademie offers an alternative menu for vegetarians. If you would like to eat vegetarian food, please include this in your application.
If the participation fee of 58,-- EUR consitutes a financial hardship, students of the Munich School of Philosophy can apply for support at the Verein der Freunde und Alumni der Hochschule für Philosophie pro philosophia e.V. (Association of Friends and Alumni of the Hochschule für Philosophie pro philosophia e.V.).


The masterclass is organized by Prof. Dr. Dr. Johannes Wallacher, Munich School of Philosophy, Dr. Johannes Schießl, Katholische Akademie Bayern, Dr. Matthias Kramm, University of Utrecht, Dr. Rebecca Gutwald, Munich School of Philosophy.

The Community of Advantage Conference

Rome, 21st – 22nd November 2019

The publication of The Community of Advantage (Oxford University Press, 2018) of Robert Sugden is an important event for the scholars working in one of the research avenues open by Bob Sugden in the last 40 years of activity. The HEIRS association and LUMSA University are organizing a two-day conference on Rome to discuss the several aspects related to The Community of Advantage – i.e. reconciling normative and behavioural economics, we-rationality, the moral dimensions of the market, reciprocity, philosophical foundations of liberal economics, etc. With this call, we invite all scholars interested in Bob Sugden’s economics and philosophy to join us in Rome.

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