Thank you to the Universidad Catolica Argentina!

Fernando Calderón (Universidad Nacional de San Martín FLACSO)
Sonia Fleury (Centro de Estudios Estratégicos de la Fundación
Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz))
Javier Iguiñiz (Pontificia Univ. Católica de Perú)
Miguel Angel Schiavone (Rector UCA)
Luis Alberto Quevedo (Rector FLASCO)
Ravi Kanbur (Cornell University)
Ingrid Robeyns – President HDCA, Utrecht University
HDCA Presidential Address to the 2018 Conference
Nora Libertun (Inter-American Development Bank)
Carole Megevand (World Bank)
Pablo López (CAF-Latin American Development Bank)
Chair: Ann Mitchell
Plenary III