Plenary 1: Amartya Sen Lecture
“HDCA at 20: Building a Community through Conferences”
Chair: Elaine Unterhalter
Speakers: Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti, Amartya Sen, Martha Nussbaum, Des Gasper, Flavio Comim, Ingrid Robeyns, Mario Biggeri, Sandra Boni
“Recognising Individual Capabilities and Building Collective Action for Public Good”
Speakers: Aruna Roy and Nikhil Dey
Chair: Melanie Walker
“To improve wellbeing globally, we need more outcome data on children”
Speaker: Mamta Murthi
Chair: Achin Chakraborty
Keynote speaker: S. Subramanian
Independent researcher
Formerly Professor at Madras Institute of Development Studies Chennai, India
Chair: Petya Kabakchieva
Sofia University
Opening speech of the Conference Chairs: Pepka Boyadjieva and Petya Ilieva-Trichkova
HDCA Conference 2023Keynote speaker: Melanie Walker, HDCA President
Higher Education & Human Development, University of the Free State, South Africa
Chair: Jay Drydyk, Professor of Philosophy Carleton University, Canada
Keynote speaker: Martha C. Nussbaum
Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor
University of Chicago
Chair: Sarah Perrine
Trust For Social Achievement
Keynote Speaker: Joost De Laat
Professor of Economics and Director, Utrecht University Centre for Global Challenges, The Netherlands
Chair: Eugenia Volen
Director, Early Learning and Care Program, Trust for Social Achievement
Denitsa Sacheva, Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Labour, Social and Demographic Policy, National Assembly of Republic of Bulgaria
Deyan Kolev, Chairman, AMALIPE Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance