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Human Development &
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Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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Improving how we understand and measure sexual wellbeing to capture human flourishing and social justice

Presentation by Dr Karen Lorimer
Co-Coordinator, HDCA Thematic Group on Gender and Sexuality

Dr Karen Lorimer (BA (Hons), MPhil, PhD, PGCAP, FHEA) is a Reader in Social Science and Health, in the School of Health & Life Sciences at Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland. She is a sociologist, interested in sexual health, sexual wellbeing, capability approach and gender-based violence. She currently leads a British Academy/Leverhulme project on working class women and sexual violence.

Karen is an active member of the Gender Research and Equalities Network at GCU. She is a member of the Scottish Parliament Cross-Party Group on Sexual Health and Blood Borne Viruses, and is a member of the Scottish Government’s National Monitoring and Research Group (NMRG).

HDCA Webinar 2023 Gender and Sexuality Health and Disability HDCA Videos
38 minutes
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