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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. March 4th, 2015 – Special Issue on “Indigenous Education”

    The Creative Education (CE, Google-based Impact Factor: 0.98), a peer-reviewed open-access journal, is seeking papers for the upcoming special issue on “Indigenous Education”. We would like to invite you to submit or recommend original research papers to this issue through our Paper Submission System. Aims & Scope (not limited to the following fields) Indigenous education and its role in individual transformation Indigenous higher education units…

  2. In Memoriam – Stephan Klasen

    …Stephan will be missed inconsolably by his wife Christine, four children, Lukas, Nicolas, Sophia, and Jeremias, and by innumerable friends, students and colleagues, the world over. But the greatest loss is for the better world that he sought unrelentingly. – Sanjay G. Reddy        …

  3. 2015 HDCA Conference – Georgetown University

    …of the Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD), World Bank Moderator: Susan F. Martin, Donald G. Herzberg Professor of International Migration, Georgetown University 6. 2015 Martha C. Nussbaum Lecture Saturday 9/12, 4-5 pm Seyla Benhabib, Professor of Political Science and Philosophy (Yale University) “Democratic Iterations and Cosmopolitan Human Rights: A New Paradigm for the Dialectic of Law and Politics” This lecture…

  4. Call for Papers – 12th AFD International Conference on Development

    …ing commons and social capital; – Multi-territorial commons (value chains, rural areas, interface between rural and urban zones, etc.): Links between local spaces and international injunctions and recommendations, appropriation processes, regulatory arrangements, intersection between public and private interests, territorial interface (between the local, regional, and sometimes global levels); – Common services (water, electricity, irrigation, etc…

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