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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Conference Ethics of Economic Institutions

    …dies of Utrecht University, and by the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). Practicalities Dates: January 8-10, 2015. Location: Hotel Mitland, Utrecht, The Netherlands Conference fee: 200 euro. The fee includes lunches (on 9 and 10 January) and diners (on 8 and 9 January). Hotel accommodation and travel has to be arranged on an individual basis. Hotel rooms are reserved at a special conference price at Hotel Mitland. These will be hel…

  2. Conference Proposals Due March 1: Marginalized Peoples, Human Rights, and Development Ethics

    …ration will open around April 2018. Students and scholars from low- and mid-income countries will pay a significantly reduced registration fee, to be announced. Please note that the registration fee provides a year’s membership in IDEA, which includes a year’s subscription to the Journal of Global Ethics. Important deadlines: March 1, 2018 – Submission of proposals April 1, 2018 – Announcement of acceptance/rejection April 15, 2018 – Deadline for

  3. “Well-Being, Justice and Development Ethics”

    …the book argues that the capability approach provides to date, the most encompassing and compelling ethical framework with which to construct action for improving people’s wellbeing and reducing injustices in the world. This book outlines in a clear and concrete way what the capability approach is and its significance for the social sciences and policy. It describes the distinctiveness of the approach as an ethical framework for action and aims t…

  4. Just published! “Wellbeing, Justice and Development Ethics”

    …national audience, but rooted in the Latin American reality – a region with a history of movements for social justice – the book argues that the capability approach provides to date, the most encompassing and compelling ethical framework with which to construct action for improving people’s wellbeing and reducing injustices in the world. Find out more……

  5. Researching Disability: Motivations and Experiences

    …d concerns of disabled people and their families are represented through re-search, in the UK and in developing countries. The session is going to be divided in four presentations, follow by an open plenary and an informal discussion with tea and coffee. When?: 9th April 2014, 2pm to 4 p.m Where?: Muirhead Tower room 710, University of Birmingham, UK Contact Monica Pinilla if you have queries about this event. No booking required…

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