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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. 2024 HDCA Conference – Kolkata, India

    September 24-26, 2024

    Hosted by the Pratichi (India) Trust, the Institute of Development Studies Kolkata (IDSK), and Health Information Systems Program (HISP)

    “Crises, Capabilities and Commitment”

    The 2024 HDCA conference has special significance as 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of HDCA. The conference is being held in Kolkata, West Bengal, India – home of the first HDCA president, Professor Amartya Sen. The conference theme of Crises, Capabilities and Commitment has been chosen because the inter-linkages between these three ideas require in depth discussion.

    Many multi-faceted crises assail us. Some are global in scope, linked with the assault on our environment, violent conflicts, pandemics and humanitarian challenges. Some crises emerge from episodic events. Others emerge less dramatically linked with a backlash to transformations in social relations, or technologies. Crises, both episodic and cumulative, reveal deep inequalities in capabilities. Crises may be associated with both ‘loud’ and ‘silent’ capability deprivations, in areas such as education, health, disability, political participation and wellbeing. The immediate and visible fallout from crises may precipitate further inequalities in capabilities linked to loss of income and employment, inequity, food insecurity malnutrition, and polarization between groups. The conference will be a setting to discuss the forms of commitment needed to analyze and address many interlinked crises and their stress on capabilities.


  2. Bouncing back or bouncing forward: social resilience, social rights and capabilities in the post-Covid19 Europe

    Date – 26 January 2021 Time – 1-2.30pm UTC DESCRIPTION Ongoing changes in European welfare states call for a new, dynamic and multifaceted understanding of social citizenship. On the one hand, the endorsement of the European Pillar of Social Rights in 2017 provides a framework to foster upward social convergence among the member states and increases the centrality of social policies in the European architecture. On the other hand, recurring shock…

  3. Book Launch: The Social Construction of Capabilities in a Tamil Village

    Thursday, 22 April 2021, 12:00 pm London (GMT+1) Join us for a discussion about this new book by L.N. Venkataraman, including a Q&A with Dr Rosie Peppin Vaughan. There will also be a chance for the audience to ask questions. Is an equitable distribution of opportunities possible within a stratified social system in which caste-based socio-economic privileges are inherited and social mobility constrained? The Social Construction of Capabilities in…

  4. HDCA Undergraduate Workshop II: Exploring “worthwhile development”

    21st April, 2021, 1-2.30pm (UK time) For our second workshop for undergraduate students working with the capability approach, human development or development ethics, Stacy Kosko (University of Maryland, US) will present a simulation exercise for thinking about human development ethics. This workshop is aimed primarily at undergraduates so please sign up if you are an undergraduate working with the capability approach (this event is open to under…

  5. HDCA Undergraduate Workshop: Introduction to the Capability Approach

    13 January, 2021, 1-2.30pm (UK time) This will be our first undergraduate workshop in a series of three. Following requests from HDCA members we will focus on introductory and foundational concepts related to the capability approach. This workshop is aimed primarily at undergraduates so please sign up if you are an undergraduate working with the capability approach [this event is open to undergraduate HDCA members and non-members]. If places rema…

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