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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. Call for Papers: ASAUK Biennial Conference, University of Birmingham

    …to respond to proposals from colleagues who wish to contribute panels or individual papers to their stream. A list of all the streams with short abstracts and details on the organisers can be viewed on the website via this link: All individuals who would like to submit papers and panels or who would like to attend the conference will have to register on our conference organising system. This can be…

  2. Call for Papers – 12th AFD International Conference on Development

    …the inability by both markets and nation-based policies to rise to global challenges, the concept of global public goods emphasizes the need for regulation and international governance mechanisms in the three core dimensions of sustainable development (Severino 2001): economics (financial stability), society (knowledge, healthcare, peace), and the environment (natural resources, biodiversity, climate change). Climate talks have exposed the illusio…

  3. Call for papers – Special Issue of Sustainability

    …HDRO, UNDP, Dr. Heroberto Tapia, UNDP. Sustainability-Human_Development-flyer All contributions are most welcome. Note that the deadline is 20 April 2021. All papers can be directly submitted through the journal site. The special issue information is at the following link: Thank you for your attention and best regards. Jaya…

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