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Dao Thi Hoang, Mai, and Quyen Vu Ngoc (2012). "Combining a green economy with human capabilities: a socioeconomic assessment of biofuel policy in Vietnam" Paper presented at the 9th annual conference of the HDCA, 5-7 September 2012, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Páez-Acosta, Guayana (2009). "Indigenous Peoples and the Amazon Forests in route to Copenhagen 2009 Their participation in building a post-Kyoto World regime " Paper presented at the 6th annual conference of the HDCA, 10-12 September 2009, Lima, Peru.
Ilieva-Trichkova, Petya (1); Boyadjieva, Pepka (2) (2022). 'A capability approach towards subjective well-being as a multidimensional functioning: The case of participation in non-formal education and subjective well-being' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA 2022.
2025 HDCA Conference – Bradford, UK
September 1-5, 2025
Hosted by the University of Bradford
“Culture, Peace and Capabilities”
At the heart of the capability approach (CA) is the idea of human flourishing. However, human flourishing is challenging, and in some cases, not possible, in a world of conflict and insecurity – whether between nations, or between groups within a country or between individuals at the micro-level of a society.
The foundational ideas of the CA (of both Sen and Nussbaum schools) envision a society where constitutional guarantees and deliberative public reasoning provide for the protection of minorities and disadvantaged individuals, and at a theoretical level these should be the starting points for building institutions to mitigate against conflict and to resolve conflicts where these appear.
As we welcome the community of the ‘Human Development and the Capability Association’ to the University of Bradford where the UK’s first Peace Studies Department was founded in 1973, the idea of connecting the CA with peace is an exciting and significant theme to explore. Bradford is also celebrating being the UK ’City of Culture 2025’. The year-long celebration recognizes the contributions made by generations of waves of immigrants over the last two centuries.
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
With support from:
BAHINIPATI, CHANDRA SEKHAR; Sirohi, Rahul A (2023). 'Choosing Energy-Efficient Home Appliances in Urban India: Do Pro-Environmental Motivations and Peer Comparisons Matter?' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA 2023.
sarkar, chinmoy (1); Bagchi, Kanak Kanti (2) (2023). 'Farmer Education and Farm Mechanization: A Case Study of West Bengal in India' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA 2023.
Brackel, Lieke (2023). 'Procedural justice in climate adaptation: assessing state-led (in)voluntary land use change and relocations in The Dutch Delta' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA 2023.
Ward, Sarah (2022). 'What are the meso level transformative conversion factors that support participation and voice capabilities in high poverty neighbourhoods in UK?' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA 2022.
Beycan, Tugce (2022). 'Discovering Dynamics of Multi-Configurations of Poverty and Social Ties in South Africa' Paper presented at the annual conference of the HDCA 2022.