…he following: The title of the paper. An abstract of approximately 150–200 words. Up to five key words. Numbered pages in sequence. All necessary material (e.g. figures and tables and their captions; appendices). In addition to the main manuscript, a separate file should also be sent, identified as “Title Page”, and must include all of the following information: The title of the paper The names of the authors The full postal and email addresses of…
Evidence and Practice in an age of inequality 5th ACFID Universities Network Conference
…c for the panel as it relates to the conference theme(s) (no more than 100 words) Titles of the papers and brief abstracts for the individual presentations (no more than 250 words each) 2. Individual Papers Individual papers are encouraged presenting formal research results, theoretical discussions, or analysis, case studies, practical applications, evaluations, policies, programs or analysis of emergent issues and trends that contribute to our un…