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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Remembering Tammy Chen Fenaiche

    …che, a young scholar deeply committed to the values of the HDCA, was tragically killed, along with her husband and unborn son, in a terrorist attack this past summer. A PhD student at Cambridge, Tammy was a passionate woman who changed her life trajectory, moving to Ouagadougou, to set up and manage an NGO. She was a superlative woman whose steps through life reflect a kind of conviction that few people show, or care to show. Whether she was teach…

  2. MEWANE!

    …ADLINE TO APPLY: June 28, 2024 Download the flier for more information For questions, please contact us: Appel à manifestation d’intérêt pour le programme MEWANE (Mentorat, écriture et réseautage) financé par l’Académie Britannique et destiné aux chercheurs en début de carrière en Afrique centrale et de l’ouest. Qu‘est-ce que MEWANE ? Un programme de mentorat, d’écriture et de réseautage de 12 mois, financé par I’Académie brita…

  3. May 12 CfP Deadline: “Environmental Citizenship and Individual Responsibility for Global Environmental Problems (EC.IRGEP)”

    …lover, 1975; Hordequin, 2011) or to display virtuous character traits (Jamieson, 2010). Finally, another group of authors bases such duties on the wrongness of contributing to, rather than causing, harmful outcomes (Raterman, 2012; Baatz, 2014). This debate reached a considerable level of sophistication but its preliminary results have hardly been transferred to other environmental problems. Moreover, it is by no means clear how the debate relates

  4. New Book: “El Desarrollo como derecho humano. Normas nacionales y documentos internacionales. Jurisprudencia de tribunales superiores y regionales”

    By María C. Recalde Temas principales Progreso, desarrollo y desarrollo humano. El desarrollo como derecho humano en distintos documentos internacionales. El derecho al desarrollo en las regulaciones regionales. El progreso y el desarrollo humano en la doctrina social de la Iglesia. El progreso en el pensamiento argentino previo a la Constitución nacional de 1853. El progreso en la Constitución de 1853 y en las reformas de 1860, 1949 y 1957. La r…

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