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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

Human Rights Panels and Pre-conference Event

The following activities are being organized in preparation for the upcoming HDCA 2014 Conference in Athens:

1)     Call for papers/panel proposal: The Human Rights Thematic Group is interested in submitting one or two proposals for panels to the 2014 Conference Committee: a) a first panel with papers specifically tied to the central theme of the conference “human development in times of crisis: renegotiating social justice”; b) a second panel with the goal to explore the deepening relationship between human rights and the capability approach from a variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives. If you would like to be considered for one of these two panels or submit a full panel, please send us your abstract by February 28. For details on the format for proposals, click here.

2)     Pre-conference event: We are also interested in organizing an all-day pre-conference workshop on Sept. 1, in collaboration with some local groups. The provisional title of the event is "Social mobilization in the context of urbanization and times of crisis”.  For additional details, click here. If you would like to collaborate in the organization of this event and/or send us your thoughts and suggestions, we will love to hear from you.

Please see the attached letter for more details about both of these possibilities and send your submissions to our new thematic group email address for 2014 planning purposes:

Areli, Leo, Stacy and Steve
Co-Chairs, Human Rights, Development, and Capabilities Thematic Group

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