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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Medel-Ramírez, Carlos, Hilario Medel-López, and Jennifer Lara-Mérida. "Navigating Information and Uncertainty: A Fuzzy Logic Model to Approach Transparency, Democracy and Social Wellbeing." October 2023. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14567.62889. CC BY 4.0. Lab: Carlos Medel-Ramírez's Lab. Accessed January 26, 2024.

  2. CfP for a CA session at ICT4D Conference

    …CA track in the next IFIP 9.4. conference to be held in Jamaica in May 2013. The track will be part of WG 9.4: Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries. The call for papers can be found here: Here is conference website where you could find out more about the conference and the IFIP 9.4 group:….

  3. Master Programme in Human Development and Food Security

    …CTS) for a total of 1.500 hours. Students have to discuss their final thesis or internship report again in Rome. To apply and to have info about the costs, check the MASTER HDFS website Threes scholarship are available. Please find more info at this link:…

  4. Call for Papers: Journal of Global Ethics Special Issue on Education and Migration

    …igrants? Should educational institutions prepare the next generation to welcome and cohabit with newcomers? Should education cultivate virtues that are conducive to the fulfilment of the obligations of receiving societies to migrants and refugees, and, if so, which virtues? How should the school curriculum address migration? For example, is it desirable that history classes avoid sedentary biases and insist more on the fact that migration has been…

  5. Call for Papers: Journal of Global Ethics special issue

    …analysis of the role and purpose of development in the 21st century. We welcome contributions from community and environmental activists, development practitioners, scholars, and policymakers that share practices, and address questions, issues, and challenges at the nexus of climate change and development, such as the following or other relevant topics: Reimagining Global Development The contributions of local communities for reimagining global de…

  6. Call for Papers – 6th Meeting of ALCADECA (Latin American and the Caribbean Association for the Study of Human Capabilities)

    …under a single theme. The sessions will be 90 minutes long, and so will accommodate 3 or 4 component papers. Each panel should have a coordinator who submits an abstract for the panel of up to 500 words in English, Spanish or Portuguese with 3-5 keywords. In addition, an abstract of similar characteristics should accompany each of the component papers of the proposed panel. Please send your submission to Important D…

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