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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Free Access to the JHDC and other Journals on Mobile Devices

    …In the month of June, Taylor & Francis is providing free access to the 2012 and 2013 volumes of its social sciences journals, including the JHDC, on mobile devices. For more information, go to:…

  2. Capability as informational basis for work and employment politics – a European research experience

    …ility for training – both in and out of employment, The capability for work-life-balance – with regard to the balance between paid work and household care work, as well as to personal development, The capability for voice – in all of these domains. “Ten years after”, Peter Bartelheimer, Jean-Michel Bonvin and Bénédicte Zimmermann look back at the conceptual “takeaway” of the CAPRIGHT network and reflect on refinements and further developments in t…

    HDCA Webinar 2021 Work and Employment HDCA Videos
    76 minutes
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