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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. CfP: Intergenerational Solidarity at the Beginning of the 21st Century

    …earning, volunteering, mentoring programs, and intergenerational programs. – Co-design, co-creation, and co-production schemes in the field of ageing and intergenerational policies. – The challenges of establishing age-friendly environments, cities, and communities. – Intergenerational relationships in the alternative economic models such as the silver economy, longevity economy, social economy, circular economy, green economy, and sharing economy…

  2. Podcast

    … EPISODE 3: Introducing the Early Career Researchers and Practitioners Network In this episode we speak to organisers of the Early Careers Researchers and Practitioners Network.  Organisers Raphael Ng, Abigail Lennox, Dorothy Ferary & Gareth Wall join us to discuss the group, its history and its purpose…

  3. 2022 HDCA Conference – Antwerp, Belgium

    The HDCA annual conference will take place from 19-22 September 2022.

    “Capabilities and Transformative Institutions”

    How can we organize today for the world of tomorrow? Covid-19 has taught us that we are not ready. We have re-discovered our common vulnerability – not only to a virus, but also to problems and difficulties arising from policy mismatch, institutional hiccups, authoritarian backlash and the effects of increasing national and international inequality. Divided we have stood, unable to act well  in concert. How can we improve the structures of living together and face the challenges ahead to build a more just and sustainable world? The HDCA Conference 2022 puts this question center stage.

    Institutions, social arrangements, or the structures which emerge from our social ways of living, have been considered from many perspectives through the range of disciplines that engage with the capability approach. The conference will provide an opportunity to let these various understandings speak to and learn from each other.

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