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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Regional networks

    …he region, to disseminate relevant information – or assist with organising – complimentary activities such as programmes, courses and trainings on human development and the capability approach, workshops/meetings, and any other events in line with the demand of the members of this network. The network’s facebook group: East Asia Network The East Asia Regional Network intends to connect capability res…

  2. HDCA WEBINAR: Children during the Pandemic: A View from the CA

    …e event will take place through Zoom. Please register in order to receive the link to the meeting and further information. Link for Eventbrite registration, below. This webinar is organised by the Thematic Group on Children and Youth of the Human Development and Capabilities Association. For more information, contact n.brando[a]…

  3. Overview of Past HDCA Conferences and Global Dialogue

    …- Nicaragua, Managua: Human Development: Vulnerability, Inclusion and Well-being 2012 – Indonesia, Jakarta: Revisiting Development: Do We Assess It Correctly? 2011 – the Netherlands, The Hague: Innovation, Development & Human Capabilities 2010 – Jordan, Amman: Human Rights & Human Development 2009 – Peru, Lima: Participation, Poverty and Power 2008 – India, New Dehli: Equality, Inclusion and Human Development 2007 – USA, New York: Ideas Changing…

  4. Vote in the HDCA Executive Council Elections!

    …The online voting for open positions on the HDCA Executive Council started on 12 April and will remain open through 12 May (12:00 am London time.) All HDCA members were sent an email with a link to their online ballot. Please contact Kathy ( with any questions or if you did not receive the email with voting link….

  5. Webinar: Horizontal inequalities and intersectionality

    …icipants. The last 20 minutes of the webinar will be reserved for an open discussion on participants’ current work on these themes and an opportunity to exchange with other people working in this area. To register to attend this online event please contact Amanda Lenhardt ( With our best regards, Dr. Paola Ballon and Amanda Lenhardt, Co-coordinators, Horizontal inequalities Thematic Group, Human Development and Capability As…

  6. Vote in the HDCA Executive Council elections!

    …All HDCA members are encouraged to vote in the 2016 Executive Council elections. There are three positions to be filled: Secretary, Information Officer, and Officer at Large. All members were sent an email from ‘Election Buddy’ with an individual link to the online voting. If you did not receive the email, please contact Kathy Rosenblum at The online voting will remain open through June 15 at 11 pm UK time….

  7. CALL FOR PAPERS: Social Policy and Disability Symposium

    …ty and inequality Ageing Health and healthcare Family support and policies Community-based services and long-term care Social protection Social policy in the Global South. The symposium will take place at Fordham University at Lincoln Center in New York City on November 12-13, 2020. (Note that in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the entire conference might take place online.) Please submit an abstract (between 500 and 2,000 words) or a full paper b…

  8. Teaching on human development and capabilities

    …lopment and capabilities’ which will be held on Wednesday 11th November, from 1-2.30 pm UTC. (We aim to either record this, or write a summary, for members who are interested but unable to attend). Please register here The other workshop dates this academic year will be: 10th Feb 2021 (1-2.30pm UCT) and 12th May 2021 (1-2.30pm UCT+1). Please note that these workshops are for HDCA members; numbers are limited for the first meeting but if there is m…

  9. Workshop Series: Teaching on human development and capabilities

    …be held on Wednesday 11th November, from 1-2.30 pm UTC. (We aim to either record this, or write a summary, for members who are interested but unable to attend). Please register here The other workshop dates this academic year will be: 10th Feb 2021 (1-2.30pm UCT) and 12th May 2021 (1-2.30pm UCT+1). Please note that these workshops are for HDCA members; numbers are limited for the first meeting but if there is more demand we will develop a format…

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