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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. 19th Annual Labor and Employment Law Roundtable (USA)

    …l, hosts a Labor and Employment Law Roundtable. This roundtable offers a forum for industry and academia to address current issues regarding labor and employment law. This year’s event will be broken into four virtual sessions, culminating with a public roundtable on December 2. This discussion will look ahead to the expected labor policies of the incoming Biden administration and how the change of occupancy in the White House is likely to affect…

  2. Global Dialogue Week 2023

    …im Brunet and a student from the University of Windsor will present how to run a policython event. The structure of this event is similar to a policython run at the University of Windsor Ontario for the UWill Discover Sustainable Futures conference. The exercise demonstrates ways from which students learn about policy development, being an epistemic contributor, and presenting complex ideas within a short time frame. Presenters: Tim Brunet is a Hi…

  3. Measuring welfare: latent variable models for happiness and capabilities in the presence of unobservable heterogeneity Twitter Share icon

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