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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Book on “The Capability Approach and Sustainability”

    …e difficulties that arise from a freedom-oriented view of sustainability. The introduction by the editors Felix Rauschmayer and Ortrud Leßmann has been adapted and the article on “Human Development and Sustainability” written by Eric Neumayer has been added to complete coverage of recent works on the topic. For more information, see: Please get in touch with the editors or…

  2. NEW BOOK! Reparative Futures and Transformative Learning Spaces

    …ologies to construct reparative futures which are humanising, inclusive, sustainable, and more just, and where past injustices are no longer replicated but repaired or mended. The main players who populate those spaces are of a noteworthy diversity: community researchers, student activists, artists, policymakers and practitioners, and defenders of the LGTBIQ+ community, among many others. They all provide vivid examples of how building reparative…

  3. New Book: “The Creation of the Human Development Approach”

    …ng research which has typically been either theoretical/prescriptive or empirical/descriptive, it follows a pragmatic historical and institutional methodology, since human development cannot be understood without considering the complexities added centrally by the formation process in the UNDP. Referring to the capability approach, it also addresses how to best reflect happiness within this paradigm.…

  4. Amartya Sen Selected as Routledge ‘Great Economist’

    …Amartya Sen is being featured in the Routledge ‘Great Economists Series.’ A collection of articles about Sen’s work published in Routledge journals can be found on the Taylor & Francis website:…

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