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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. JHDC Call for Papers – Special Issue on Participatory Research

    …ne-dimensional depiction of stories and ways of knowing. In addition, international development researchers may sometimes unknowingly reinforce and reproduce knowledge asymmetries, ignoring the knowledges that communities possess or the limits on their own reflexivity in the absence of epistemic humility. Therefore, democratic conditions for co-creation of knowledge from a bottom-up approach should be the governing principle of any kind of epistem…

  2. 19th Annual Labor and Employment Law Roundtable (USA)

    …cy in the White House is likely to affect issues such as workplace safety, labor law reform, and workplace discrimination. – What changes to expect with regard to workplace safety, hourly wages, contractors, and labor litigation – The likely Biden agenda and how the new administration will seek to affect organizing – Whether true legislative labor law reform will be possible or whether the Biden administration will need to rely on executive orders…

  3. HDCA Teacher Workshop 2: Teaching at Undergraduate Level

    …HDCA strives to offer high quality free events to members and non-members worldwide and for many this is the only opportunity to engage with others on the capability approach. So, we ask you kindly: • Please do check that you are available before signing up for the workshop. • Please do cancel your place if you find you are no longer able to attend. This will enable more individuals who would like to join us to be able to do so. We have found tha…

  4. HDCA Global Dialogue 2021

    HDCA is delighted to announce the HDCA Global Dialogue 2021, taking place 20-30 September 2021 entirely online using the Whova event platform. A special programme of events, the HDCA Global Dialogue 2021, will include keynote speakers, panel and roundtable discussions, workshops and informal meetings and networking sessions. The program has been organised by the eight HDCA Regional Networks. Attendance at all events in the HDCA Global Dialogue 2021 is free and open to both HDCA members and non-members.

    For more information about the HDCA Global Forum 2021, please contact the HDCA Administrator, Kathy Rosenblum (

  5. Call for papers. The Quest for Normativity: Challenges and New Directions in Social Research

    …ntributing to this call, please submit an abstracts of around 250 words to Rubén Flores <ruben.flores AT> and Elisabeth Becker <elisabeth.becker-topkara AT mwi.uni-heidelberg. de> no later than 30 November 2021. Articles will be peer reviewed. Accepted contributions will become part of a special collection on normative reasoning within the journal. It is expected that papers will appear in the course of 2022 and the first half of 2023. Plea

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