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Human Development &
Capability Association

Agency, Well-Being and Justice

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  1. Latin American Network: Introduction

    …de su creación en 2006, ALCADECA ha promovido activamente el debate y el trabajo colaborativo sobre el desarrollo humano en América Latina, tanto en español como en portugués. Además, ha organizado un conjunto de conferencias bianuales que han sido llevadas a cabo en diferentes ciudades de la región, tales como Ciudad de México (2006, Universidad Iberoamericana), Montevideo (2008, 2016, Universidad de la República), Porto Alegre (2010, Pontificia…

  2. Call for Papers: “Linking social innovation and empowerment: A public policy role?”

    …le?”, scheduled at the next IPPA Conference ICPP5 Barcelona, to be held 6th-8th July 2021. The panel wants to investigate the role of social innovation in fostering women’s empowerment, with a specific focus on public policies able to enhance citizens’ collective and individual capabilities. The panel is coordinated by Raquel Gallego-Calderón (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona) and Lara Maestripieri (Politecnico di Milano/Universitat Autónoma de B…

  3. Call for Abstract / Papers for an Edited Volume: “Application of Capability Approach to Achieving Sustainable Development Goals”

    …the authors. • Editor (via SHDTG): Dr. Brian-Vincent IKEJIAKU has UG and PG degrees in Politics/IR, Law, and Business, with an interdisciplinary PhD gained from the Keele University, UK. Currently a Senior Lecturer at the Coventry University, UK. His research interests (in the interdisciplinary fields of law, politics/IR, & international development) include international law & global…

  4. The Economy of Francesco Research Grants

    …r the year 2021/2022. The envisaged duration of the fellowship is from July 2021 to July 2022. The amount of each scholarship is of Euro 5.000, gross of the tax charges required by locally applicable tax laws. The scholarship is compatible with other income or grants. The research grant is subject to verification by the Scientific Committee. At the conclusion of the research, the fellow will have to produce a paper. Download detailed application i…

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