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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. NEW European Commission Report: Multidimensional Perspectives on Inequality: Conceptual and Empirical Challenges

    …the report here Abstract: A recently published European Commission Joint Research Centre report summarises some of the most relevant theoretical and empirical challenges associated with the measurement and analysis of multidimensional inequalities. Each section delves into a specific topic, presents a state-of-the-art review of the key findings in that particular area, and proposes a number of policy recommendations and avenues for further researc…

  2. HDCA Undergraduate Workshop II: Exploring “worthwhile development”

    21st April, 2021, 1-2.30pm (UK time) For our second workshop for undergraduate students working with the capability approach, human development or development ethics, Stacy Kosko (University of Maryland, US) will present a simulation exercise for thinking about human development ethics. This workshop is aimed primarily at undergraduates so please sign up if you are an undergraduate working with the capability approach (this event is open to under…

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