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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. ALCADECA Conference – Submission Deadline Extended to March 17

    …different disciplines and fields interested in human development, the capabilities approach and other approaches to normative and development issues, with particular focus in Latin America. Previous conferences have taken place in Mexico (2006), Montevideo (2008), Porto Alegre (2010), Buenos Aires (2012) and Lima (2014). The rapid economic growth recently experienced in most Latin American countries has generated a significant increase in househol…

  2. Call for Papers: Health and Poverty – 2020 Salzburg Conference

    …conference folder, a guided city tour on Friday, coffe breaks, two lunch snacks and the conference dinner on Thursday. Students as well as particpiants from countries classified as low-income or lower-middle income economies by the World Bank pay a subsidized fee of 75€. Conference website:…

  3. WEBINAR: Capability as informational basis for work and employment politics – a European re-search experience

    …or Researcher, Soziologisches Forschungsinstitut Goettingen. Jean-Michel Bonvin: Professor at the Institut de Démographie et Socioéconomie, Univer-sité de Genève. Bénédicte Zimmermann: Professor and Research Director, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris ; Permanent Fellow, Wissenschaftskolleg Berl…

  4. Call for Papers: 2018 Workshop in Philosophy and Poverty

    …s are, among others, the intergenerational transmission of poverty, inequalities between and within families, responsibilities towards poor families, parents and children, the relation between the family and the state, parental rights and duties under conditions of poverty, the ethical underpinnings of policy responses to family and child poverty, gender roles, patriarchy, intimate violence and poverty, or procreation in an radical unequal world a…

  5. Conference- Absolute Poverty in Europe

    …FOR PAPERS Absolute Poverty in Europe Salzburg, August 27 & 28, 2015 Keynote Speakers: David Hulme (Manchester) Robert Walker (Oxford) We invite papers that contribute to an elaborated understanding of severe, extreme or absolute poverty in Europe. Papers should address the specific situations and challenges of groups endangered by absolute poverty such as undocumented refugees, migrant beggars, homeless peo…

  6. Open Access Book: ‘Learning, Marginalization, and Improving the Quality of Education in Low-income Countries’

    …al experts, as well as any readers interested in the implementation of learning equity across the globe. The first volume Learning at the Bottom of the Pyramid (LBOP1), may be obtained at: This book is freely available to read and download in PDF and HTML formats at….

  7. Call for Papers: Workshop on Gender and Poverty

    …nd poverty; patriarchy and poverty; sexuality, procreation and poverty; anti-poverty policies and gender; the blaming and shaming of poor mothers as “bad” mothers; the “black box” of the household in poverty concepts and research; gender-sensitive poverty research and measurement; gender and the socio-spatiality of poverty (e.g. rural, urban). The workshop will run over two days and each speaker will be given a slot of 75 minutes (about 25 minutes…

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