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Human Development &
Capability Association

Multi-Disciplinary and People-Centred

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  1. Publishing Opportunity – International Handbooks of Quality-of-Life

    …posals are now being accepted for the International Handbooks of Quality-of-Life. The International Handbooks of Quality of Life Research offer extensive bibliographic resources. They present literature reviews of the many sub-disciplines and areas of study within the growing field of quality of life research. Handbooks in the series focus on capturing and reviewing the quality of life research literature in spe…

  2. ZIF Summer School 2017 – Universität Bielefeld

    …roach to Multidimensional Poverty Measurement 1-8 August 2017 We would like to cordially invite PhD and Post-Doc scholars to a Summer School at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research of the University of Bielefeld exploring the Fuzzy Set Approach as an alternative to Multidimensional Poverty Measurement. Experts in the field are recruited in order to provide the best knowledge and skills t…

  3. 2020 Disability Studies Conference – Auckland, NZ

    Disability Studies, Disability Justice: Challenging Ableism The Conference will be hosted at the University of Auckland, 11-13 July 2020 Abstract submission deadline: 14 March 2020 The main theme of the conference is Disability Studies, Disability Justice: Challenging Ableism. Ableist privilege and the abled/disabled binary it perpetuates is a key priority for many disability studies scholars, disability activists, allies and accomplices. This co…

  4. TERI University – BLISS School 2016 on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns

    … BLISS (Building Learning in Sustainability Science) is a series of five-day events organized by the TERI University to train and prepare stakeholders for the forthcoming sustainable development challenges by initiating dialogue and disseminating knowledge and skills on critical issues such as environmental protection, ecological security, resource efficiency especially in a rapidly developing country like Indi…

  5. CfP: Workshop “Children on the Move: Philosophy and Child Migration”

    … Background The so-called “refugee crisis” made migration the No. 1 political topic in many countries across the globe. This is mirrored by an unprecedented height in scholarly attention, also in philosophy (to name a few of the latest: Miller 2016; Parekh 2017; Fine and Ypi 2016; Sager 2016; Mendoza 2017; Duarte et al. 2018). Surprisingly children are largely absent in the philosophical debate – a few excepti…

  6. Ph.D. in International and Public Law, Ethics and Economics for Sustainable Development

    …cs, and economics. VACANCIES: 5 Doctoral Research Positions The LEES program is seeking five outstanding and committed students to carry out a three-year multidisciplinary research project. Here, the call for application: and the course website: https://le…

  7. EXTENDED DEADLINE, REDUCED FEE FOR MASTER STUDENTS! “Energy Justice and the Capability Approach – Interdisciplinary Perspectives”

    …. Topics that have been discussed are, for example, questions about availability and affordability of energy and questions about the negative environmental impacts of energy production. The capability approach is today one of the most influential theoretical frameworks for analyzing issues of justice, and there have been a few attempts to employ it within the field of energy justice. The purpose of the conference is to explore further the potentia…

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